Chapter Twenty Two - Pack Uncertainty

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Jeon Jungkook

"I mean... She could still be just a witch. But a really powerful one...?" Thulu shrugs.

"Oh come on. You can't be that dense." Dwyll narrows his eyes at the elder.

"Yah! Remember who you're talking to." Thulu raises his eyebrows and Youngha rolls his eyes at their obliviousness to each other's flirting.

"And remember who your alpha is..?" I raise my eyebrows as I walk up from behind them and sit where the seafoam just brushes my toes.. "Maybe don't gossip about his girlfriend behind his back."

They both shift awkwardly on the spot and mutter apologies.

"What do you think she is?" Youngha, now intrigued, leans over from his spot on the sand.

"I... I have no idea. I've never seen magick like it. That goes for all three of them, but with Nova and Ryong there's something similar to both halves of their DNA. I can see Brynn's witch half clearly, because that's what she learnt at Pharaway, but I can't work out what the rest is. The way she can suddenly do things without ever learning them... it's... I don't know. I can't place it." I chew on my bottom lip. If I'm honest with myself, this thought has been scaring me for a long time. I have no idea what she is and neither has she.

"Whatever it is, it's badass. Decapitating vampyres? Go Brynn." Dwyll chuckles and lies back in the sand.

"I guess... But didn't she say she couldn't even control it?" Youngha frowns. "I wouldn't say that's badass, more-"

"Terrifying?" Brynn's voice swoops over our heads.

I leap to my feet. "Shit, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. I've been listening to the entire conversation..." She chuckles sadly. "Dwyll's really quite bad at building walls in his mind..."

"What do you think you are?" Youngha peers up at her, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"I don't know. Whatever it is, I don't think I'm going to like it." She shrugs and carries on past us, walking into the water.

I follow her. I don't know why but I get the feeling that she needs me. When she finally comes to a halt, I wrap my arms around her as we gaze out over the sea.

"Kook... What if it's something really bad..." Her voice is steady, calm, but I can hear the fear lining it. "No other hybrid was seen as terrifying enough for the clanless to give them those pills."

"There's no supernatural being which is inherently evil. Whatever you are, you won't be bad." I smile, nuzzling my face into her neck.

"Suppose there is..." She nibbles worriedly at her bottom lip.

"What do you mean?"

"When I killed that vampyre, I'd forgotten to take my ADHD medication, or whatever the hell that actually was, with all the stress of Taehyung being kidnapped and tortured and whatnot... And I literally couldn't stop myself. I was enjoying it. That sounds pretty evil to me..." She tries to walk out of my arms but I don't let her, only tightening my grip.

"Would you want to go back on them? If Namjoon can work out the recipe from his father's notes." I ponder aloud. The warlock had thought that if he could discover the recipe for the pills, he could perhaps discover what they had been made for, and ultimately what Brynn is.

"Maybe... I love being off them. I feel like a barrier has gone. I never really got angry before, even when Freddie would smack a locker door into my head. It didn't really hurt, and I didn't get mad... Just annoyed. I feel like I've had an electric current making all my muscles tense for as long as I can remember and now it's finally stopped. But at the same time, I hate it. I never want to do anything like what I did to that girl again. Even if she deserved it." I can smell the salt running down her cheeks. I can't stand her feeling like this and me not being able to do anything about it. She's built a wall around that feeling. I keep trying to knock it down and take it all from her but she won't let me. She's purposefully been keeping herself alone ever since she got out of The Clanless' grip. At least she's talking to me now.

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