Chapter Three - Pack Establishment

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Brynn Celan

Jungkook's hand intertwines with my own and he squeezes it reassuringly. "Why are you nervous, baby?"

"What if they don't like me?.." I mumble quietly as I cuddle his arm tightly to my chest.

"Then they can find themselves a new pack. It's not you who needs to impress them, it's the other way around. You were the first in here, Brynn. The first I ever wanted and the first I made sure I had. You're not just part of this pack, you began it. You're the start of it. But, I'm sure they'll love you anyway. Not too much, mind you..." He suddenly scowls warningly at that wall and I giggle, looping my arms over his neck and kissing the glower from his face.

"Ew, can we not? Thanks." Taehyung drops into the seat next to us as Jungkook scoops me onto his lap.

"Sorry, Tae." I smile comfortingly, understanding how worried he is about Nova and sharing in the feeling. I don't quite know how much of it is his leaking through into me but I'm sure that some is of my own making.

Jimin slides next to the faerie and holds his hand, leaning onto his shoulder. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll be back before you know it."

Taehyung nods but he's clearly unconvinced.

As three werewolves finally make their way into the empty classroom Jungkook had chosen as our meeting place, I stiffen slightly and straighten up on the alpha's lap. His hand slips under my shirt and he strokes my side reassuringly.

"Brynn, Taehyung, Jimin, this is Thulu, Dwyll and Youngha." The alpha gestures for the three boys to take a sit and they do so eagerly, peering at us, intrigued. "Thulu," a large and stoic figure, taller than Jungkook but around the same in bulkiness, with relatively dark, sandy-brown hair that is cut short and well-kept, "is in his fourth year, the same as Joon and that lot." The boy nods to us respectfully but doesn't speak. "Dwyll is in his second, like Brynn." in contrast to the prior boy, this one has ice blonde hair that reaches down to his jawline and slightly below. He is around Jimin's height and quite slender. I imagine he could be fast, though, as his body is still toned.

"Hi." He looks at each of us in turn and even drops his lid into a wink at me before cheekily sticking his tongue out at Jungkook. The alpha growls warningly but otherwise lets it pass. I grin at the foxy boy and immediately know we will get on well.

"And lastly, Youngha is in his third. His father is a Jeon and his mother is human." The last boy smiles nervously, not looking at any of us in particular. He looks relatively similar to Jungkook, a parallel build and the same cheeks and face shape, close enough to tell they're related but different enough that you wouldn't see it if you didn't know. His hair is jet black and scruffy, and I can't help but picture all three of these boys in their wolf forms.

I grin, I can't stop myself. Jungkook cocks his head, puzzled, and I reply with an image of him running with them at the full moon.

He chuckles and nods. "I'm happy we have a real pack too."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Youngha frown slightly, confused that none of us has the slightest issue about his mother being human.

"Right! That reminds me." Jimin clears his throat. "Kook, are you planning on biting me too?"

Jungkook blinks, taken aback. "I-.. I didn't really plan on biting anyone. It was Taehyung's decision to help with.. yeah... And it's yours too. I don't want to change your life without giving you a choice."

"I didn't get a choice." I pout slightly and the alpha chuckles, cuddling me closer.

"I guess you're too irresistible." He nuzzles his nose into my neck.

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