Chapter Seventeen: Hurdles

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Min Yoongi

Five Years Ago

I run my hands gently through Jimin's hair as he writes.

"I just don't get it!" He groans.

I frown. "I thought you said you find this subject easy..."

"No, the fact I need to do it at all!" Jimin huffs and I smile.

"Everyone feels like that, Chim Chim." Silky strands of his hair slip through my fingertips.

"You didn't!.." He pouts.

"That's because I left school when I was far too young." My brow creases, hoping he doesn't actually think that's a good thing.

"You're so lucky..." He huffs.

"No, Jimin. You're lucky you have parents to tell you it's not optional, not a boss encouraging you to quit school so you can take on more hours." I purse my lips and sit up, suddenly jealous of Jimin's squeaky clean upbringing.

"But working from a young age sounds cool! It's better than studying the entire time... At least you got to actually do something!" Jimin sits up too, pushing his now completed homework into his bag and chucking that somewhere far across the room.

"And getting less than minimum wage because I was technically too young to work? Ignoring inappropriate behaviour towards yourself in the hope you'll get tips? Having to choose between paying rent on time or eating? Yeah, sounds pretty fucking cool." I clench my jaw and immediately Jimin feels guilty. I sigh and close my eyes for a second. "I'm sorry. I just... You don't realise how lucky you are to even get the opportunity to complain until even your own opinion is taken away from you."

It's Jimin's turn to frown now. "Why weren't you allowed an opinion?.."

"Because shutting up and taking it pays." I look away, not sure if I'm ready for this conversation yet.

"You mean your boss? Did he mistreat you??" His innocent little face is so upset at the thought, it's almost cute.

"Well, yes..." I chuckle sadly.

"But that's not what you mean..?" Jimin frowns even more.

"Chim..." I gulp. "I.. I mean, I had to make ends meet. And I'd bought the keyboard and got into a little debt with one of the regulars at the pub.. So I needed cash and fast. I just.. It didn't seem like much of a big deal at the time, just giving a service... But then it kept getting more and as I got older, people expected more from me anyway..."

"Hyung, I have no idea what you're talking about." Jimin curls his legs underneath himself and pulls my hands into his lap.

"I.. I used to give myself to people... For money..."


"Like.. Like I gave you myself for my birthday?.."

"No. Well, nothing like that, no emotion. Just a service..." I shrug.

"But sex." He's slightly angry and to be honest, I get it.

"It started off as just blowjobs, but eventually.. Yes..."

His jaw is clenched and after waiting for him to speak for a while I give up.

"I'm not ashamed of it, Jimin. It was shit, yeah, but it's the world I grew up in. Everyone did it! My job didn't pay enough for rent and I wanted more than just to survive there, I wanted to save enough that I could leave. It was all I could do at the time and I still think I made the right decision."

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