Chapter Sixteen: Family

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Jeon Jungkook

Walking into the empty common room feels odd. Everyone's asleep and it's way past curfew, but here Jimin sits, reading.

I awkwardly clear my throat. Jimin looks up from his book.

"Wait... You're reading?..." I chuckle, a little flabbergasted.

"Yeah... Brynn said reading helped her when she hated every aspect of her life so I thought I'd give it a try too." He glares at me. And fair enough.

"Jimin, we're sorry.." Taehyung mumbles from next to me.

"Really, if we'd known that was a present from Yoongi we wouldn't have touched it!" I crouch in front of Jimin.

"Oh so now it's my fault for not telling you?." He glares at me.

"Not at all! It's still our fault, completely." I gently slide the device onto the seat next to the faerie.

"You worked out what it was, then?." He purses his lips.

"Well, it says Y&J on the back.." Tae shrugs. "It wasn't that hard..."

I punch his thigh and he grumbles but shuts up. "We're sorry. That's all we came to say... And to give it back."

"What music is it? It's good!" Tae smiles and I'm about to hit him again but Jimin sobs into his book and puts it down.

Without thinking my arms are tight around him and I'm stroking his back.

"I-It's Yoongi..." Jimin sniffs, hugging me tightly. "He's so perfect..."

"Jimin.. I know you don't want to hear this... But fuck what your dad says. You two love each other more anyone I've ever seen. And I have a big family!" The faerie chuckles but shakes his head.


"Why? Because they'll disown you? So what?! You're practically a Jeon anyway, my mum loves you enough so you may as well be. And my dad too! You can live with us." I smile.

"Kook... I love you so much... But it's not as simple as that. I found out stuff about my dad, and he wouldn't just disown me..." Jimin mumbles into my shoulder. "He'd kill him. He'd kill Yoongi. He goes on random trips and just finds demons to kill. Did you know that?"

My jaw drops. I never would have expected that from the seemingly kind and sweet man that is Jimin's father. "So you're making Yoongi hate you on purpose?"

Jimin nods, crying even more. "I was so mean to him and he didn't even care! I tried so fucking hard, Kookie. Even when it killed me." I squeeze him tighter. "But only when I give in and stop pretending to hate him does he start to hate me and I don't know what to feel because it's good, right?! It's exactly what I was aiming for!"

"But you can't hate him back..." He whimpers at my words and sobs even more.

"He was everything, Kook.. You know how you always hate when girls swoon just from your surname?" I nod. "Well for me it was always people trying to turn me into a power play. You know? Either they were rich as hell too and wanted to create a mega-rich family with connections everywhere, or they only wanted me for my money and title. He wasn't like that. He spent money on me! He saved up for that fucking iPod for months, Kookie! Months. And in return, all I gave him was a fucking death sentence. A-And I can't even tell him any of this because then he'll try to fix it because that's what he always does but then it always ends with him getting hurt and that's worse than me feeling like this. I-If he can get over me then he can be happy and alive and then I can just suffer on my own. It's better this way, trust me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the reason Yoongi died..."

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