Chapter Twenty: Kong's Revenge

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Jeon Jungkook

She'll be fine. There aren't actually any dangers in the forest unless it's a full moon. Or unless there's a break in, and we still don't actually know how that demon from The Clanless snuck in.

But if there isn't any danger she'll just be even more pissed off that I followed her. Again. I should leave. She can look after herself.

I turn and start walking to Vinder. A gesturing teacher hurries me up. I'm clearly the last they need to tick in from my house for curfew.


I gasp and hold onto the frame of the doorway.

"Jungkook?.. Are you okay?" The teacher holds me steady. "Do you want Glanis House to check you over?"



Nothing hurts exactly and at the same time, everything does. I need to make sure she's okay. Even if it's nothing and she gets all pissy with me. I apologise to the teacher, drop my bag, and run. I've never run so fast in my life.

I hear her crying, whimpering. It's louder than everything else, like a beacon leading me to her. She screams and I throw my hoodie off somewhere, seeing her and jumping. I shift mid-air and land in front of her full wolf. I growl at the other werewolves, none shifted which gives me the upper hand. But there are four of them. Four Kongs.

"Jungkook! Coming to be a hero. I hoped you would." Their alpha sneers at me as I prowl around her. She's shaking.

Still wary of the four intruders, I walk over to her and nuzzle her shoulder. She nods, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "I'm okay.."

A Kong tries to go for me with a knife while my back is turned but I spin around and growl again. He immediately steps back.

The alpha sighs. "Get on with it, then. You may as well kill him too."

I crouch into a defensive position. Now is not the time to attack first. I need to stay in front of Brynn at all times; I'm not just looking out for my own safety anymore. That implies this will happen a lot... I shake the uncertainty out of my head and refill it with my parent's training.

One man runs at me with a knife which I clamp my teeth down on. It cuts my cheek, but I manage to twist my head to the point of his wrist breaking and throw the knife to the floor next to Brynn.

Another man has shifted into wolf form and lunges for me. I dodge his advance. It looks very unnatural, but I remember my mother's words. "Remember you are not a wolf. You're a werewolf. And that gives you an advantage. Use the strength of your wolf and the brain of your man."

A wolf would aim for the biggest threat, the alpha, and hope the rest will follow is lead if he surrenders; but I need to get the numbers seeming more favourable. Who's the easiest to take out? The one man who has yet to do anything. He's nervous and that means he'll make mistakes. I pounce, biting onto his neck and clawing at his chest until he stops fighting back. He's alive, barely, but he will no longer be a player in the rest of this fight.

I crouch again, surveying the situation. Brynn's now holding the knife, not that she's planning to do anything with it, and honestly, I'd rather she didn't do anything reckless. The alpha growls at me, flicking his wrists to grow out his claws onto human hands. The injured Kong does the same with only a single hand as the wrist on the other is broken.

He's next. As the two beta's walk towards me, growling, I sprint between them and turn, jumping onto the injured's back and tackling him to the floor. I do the same as before, biting his neck and slashing at his back. The other beta clamps his teeth down on my neck and I bark, thrashing to break free. He tightens his grip, jaw clenching. And I whine, I can't help it. I see Brynn out of the corner of my eye. Why does she always fucking do this?. Because you'd be dead if she didn't you ungrateful piece of shit.

She lunges at him and stabs the knife into his side with shaky hands. He growls and goes for her, teeth snapping way too close to her hand then I'm happy with. I slash at his neck and in seconds he's on the ground. I prefer not to kill, but I will when I have to.

The alpha. I turn but I already know what's waiting for me. It's the only thing he could have done.

The Kong stands with a knife to Brynn's throat, holding her against him.

I growl and start prowling towards them.

"Uh-uh. Step back." He warns.

But I know he won't kill her. She's the only thing keeping him alive.

He will hurt her though. He pours a drop of a liquid I don't recognise on her arm and she screams. The sound makes me physically cringe.

Think Jungkook. You need to talk this out. Shift back. I carefully walk back to where I left my jeans, not taking my eyes off Brynn and her captor. I roughly slide them on and crack my neck.

"Let her go." My voice is a lot calmer than I thought it would be. I'm actually internally panicking.

"Or what?." The alpha spits.

"You know who I am. You know how old I am. If this was what I can do by myself, do you really want me to call my pack?." I smirk slightly.

I see Brynn's face flick, slightly confused but back to neutral quickly. I'm glad she's keeping up.

"Your pack is miles away, kid." The alpha sneers.

"No, my father's pack is miles away. Mine is right here." At least that isn't a lie.

He processes the situation and growls. "I let her go and you let me walk away.

Begrudgingly, I nod. Getting her safe, that's all that matters. Taking revenge on the Kong's can wait.

He smirks, pouring the rest of the liquid on Brynn's arm before pushing her away from him. We both run, me to catch her before she falls and him to somewhere far away from me, presumably.

She's shaking still, worse actually. What the hell is that stuff? I pull her into a hug and bury my nose in her neck.

"Curfew's there for a fucking reason." Okay, it's a bit of an exaggeration. Normally, we don't have intruders waiting to kill people in the forest, but still. I was worried.

"S-Sorry.." She's clinging onto me and I fucking love it. Mine.

I stroke her hair and cup her cheeks, looking into her eyes and making sure she's okay.

She chuckles and pulls my hands down. "I'm fine, really. It hurt, but I don't think they actually wounded me in any way.."

"Good. I... Brynn, I want to say something. It's been bugging me ever since I met you and I think it's why I've been so... Selfish."

She frowns, nodding.

Metal, sharp, shining. A knife flies into Brynn's stomach. She looks down at it and then up to me, panicking. The smell of blood floods my nostrils, and my hands automatically go to her waist to support her.

Without thinking I go into emergency mode. I pull the knife out and throw it over my shoulder, scooping her into my arms and cradling her close."You'll be okay. Laila can fix this in a heartbeat, alright?"

She nods and clings to my neck, nose nuzzling softly into my neck. It's comfortingly cold and feeling her shallow breath keeps my determination peaked.

I was wrong before. This is the fastest I've ever run.

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