Chapter Ten: Ultimatum

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Brynn Celan

Brynn <3 : 05:22

Are you busy?

I bite my lip as I await a reply. He's probably in class. Of course he is, no one finishes until 5:30pm.

Bunny: 05:24

Never for you.

I gulp and try to pretend that didn't affect me as much as it really did.

Brynn <3 : 05:24

Do you think you'll be let out early?

Bunny: 05:25

Probably not, this teacher hates me.

Brynn <3 : 05:25

Every teacher hates you.

Bunny: 05:25

Harsh but true.

Bunny: 05:27

Are you gonna tell me what's up?

Brynn <3 : 05:27

It's nothing

Brynn <3 : 05:27

Don't worry.

Bunny: 05:27

Which immediately makes me worry and think it's something.

Brynn <3 : 05:27

Sorry, I'm just being paranoid. I'm sure it's nothing.

Bunny: 05:27

u kno ur grammar gets beter if ur strssd rite?

Brynn <3 : 05:28


Brynn <3 : 05:28


Brynn <3 : 05:28


Bunny: 05:28

Bitch you love me

I don't reply. I can't lie and say no because he'll see right through it. But I also can't tell him the truth.

Bunny: 05:29


I grin at that, biting my lip and wondering if I should be honest with him or not. I go for yes.

Brynn <3 : 05:29

Vio has been giving me weird looks all lesson. That's all. As I said, I'm probably just being paranoid.

Bunny: 05:29


Brynn <3 : 05:30

What was wrong with my grammar?

Bunny: 05:30


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