Chapter Sixteen: Consolation

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Min Yoongi

"We can mess around, but I'm not changing my lifestyle for you, Brynn." It doesn't sound like Jungkook. Even when he sleeps around, he doesn't break hearts. He's always had that element of moral code. The girls know it means nothing. Brynn doesn't.

"Then I don't want to do this." She looks up at him defiantly, challengingly, but hopeful. My heart breaks for her at the blank face Jungkook projects in return.

"Okay then. See you around." He shrugs and turns on his heel, heading back towards Vinder.

"Sorry, Tae.. But I thought you should know..." I look down, pushing us out of the shadows once Brynn runs away, crying.

"So.. So Jungkook really broke her fucking wrist?. And then just.. Just... What?!" Taehyung pulls at his hair, clearly infuriated.

"I mean.. To be fair... I think she broke her own wrist... But that was because she kept telling him to let go of her and he didn't..." I pause. I really hope I didn't just hugely fuck up. "I did the right thing telling you, didn't I?"

"Yeah... Yeah, you did. Thanks, hyung." He seems to genuinely appreciate my actions and that makes me feel slightly better. Even if this causes some drama, at least that might put an end to whatever destructive ass relationship Brynn and Jungkook are in.

"You'd do the same for me." I smile and then teleport into Jimin's room. We're meeting Kai here pretty shortly to go over what we're going to say in Kalamani council for the last time. I look around at the empty room and frown. It's unlike Jimin to be out this close to curfew. Unless, maybe, he saw Jungkook and Brynn argue as well? Maybe he went to console the werewolf, they've always been there for each other with this kind of thing. I nod and convince myself that that's all it is. Would it be overstepping my boyfriend boundaries to go to Jungkook's room? Just to check... No. He's only just gone up there, give them a few minutes, at least.

I sigh and throw myself onto Jimin's gorgeously cushioned beds. It's one of those mattresses that literally feels as though you are sinking when you lie onto it. I kick my shoes off and curl onto my side, hugging one of Jimin's pillows. I've had him back for maybe a week at most, but it feels just like it did before. As though no time passed at all. Definitely not 3 years. 5 years since we met. I wonder what my life would have been like without Jimin. If I'd gone to that florists on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday. If Mrs Ricolli hadn't been so welcoming and supportive of us. If Hewa hadn't taken me in, in the first place. What if the Park's hadn't chosen my street to massacre? I wasn't ready to leave. I hadn't saved anywhere near enough money. I was forced out of my flat, not by the landlord, he was hung up a lamppost inside out, but from a door knocked off its hinges, in a street decorated with corpses and puddles of blood that made it seem as though the rain had come early that year. I couldn't stay there. I had a few changes of clothes, an electric keyboard and enough money to buy a train ticket. What if I'd picked another station? What if I'd left at another stop and never met Hewa in the first place?

I miss her...

Okay, that's enough time. As soon as I've checked I'll leave them alone again. I just have this awful feeling.

I push myself off the bed and down the corridor, knocking on the door I believe to be Taehyung and Jungkook's.

There's a sniffle but no reply.

"It's me. I just wanted to make sure everything's okay..." I bite my lip nervously, anticipating a telling off from Jimin.

"H-Hyung?.." Jungkook sounds broken. I frown, I know him and Jimin get emotional but I didn't think it would be that bad. After all, it was Jungkook who the dick in this situation. Okay, it's because he doesn't understand his feelings or whatever, but he can't really be this affected, can he?

"Yeah..?" The door opens and I frown even more. No Jimin. Just Jungkook.

"Y-You really came to make sure I'm okay?.." His eyes are wide and vulnerable. I purse my lips slightly. Jimin would want me to look after his best friend...

"Yeah, Kook. I saw you and Brynn..." I mean it's not a lie... "Jesus, Jungkook!" His shirt is soaked in blood and his nose is painfully crooked.

"I know..." He turns and walks back into his room, leaving the door open for me to follow.

I close it gently behind us and watch him crawl onto his bed, curling himself into a fragile ball.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" I frown, sitting next to him so that our arms lightly touch.

"Tae happened..." My eyes widen. Taehyung did this?! Wait, that means I did this. This is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have told the faerie after all...

"Will you be okay?" I frown worriedly.

"It'll have healed by tomorrow... Werewolf perks, you know?" He shrugs.

"I didn't mean your nose, Kook..." I nudge his arm and grimace sympathetically. "He's your best friend..."

"That's why I don't get why I did it! I'm not that much of a dick, why did I have to.. Why Brynn?" He grits his teeth and attempts to hold back the fresh wave of tears. It doesn't work.

"I think you know the answer to that. At least as much as I do..." I pat his knee. "And believe me, I get it."

"Is it that obvious?.." He groans and drops his head into his hands.

"Maybe just because I've had experience? You can blame yourself for a lot of dumb shit, Jungkook, but you can't help who you fall in love with. You know that, right? Don't feel guilty for loving her." I chide slightly.

"But do I?! If I do, why did I hurt her so much??" He clenches his fists and I can tell how angry he is with himself. I wonder if this is how Jimin felt.

"Does Jimin love me?"

"Profusely. More than anyone else." Jungkook frowns, confused.

"Has he hurt me?"

Jungkook swallows and looks away. "More than anyone else..."

I smile and nod. We sit in silence for a second, Jungkook leaning his head on my shoulder as he sniffles.

"Hyung.. Do you ever get annoyed at Jimin for his family?.."

"Well, his dad being a piece of work is the understatement of the century, so..." I chuckle slightly.

"No.. About being from a True Clan and.. And his parents loving him and giving him anything he wanted... And his relationship with his father.." I frown, that doesn't sound like Jimin's dad. "A-And having a huge family with everyone caring deeply about each other's health and happiness.." Oh.

"Taehyung said something about your family?" I turn to him as he nods miserably.

"He thinks that I think less of him because he's not like me and Jimin. I just... I dunno... Do I seem like that to you? Do I seem too... perfect?"

I pause, forming my answer in my head before I say it aloud. "You can seem too perfect. Sometimes... You never seem to struggle with anything and that can get incredibly infuriating. But I don't think you see other people as lesser because of it. You tend to see more good in people than I do..." I shrug.

"All students to be re-registered immediately. Please calmly make your way to the common rooms. Your head's of house will be awaiting you." Jungkook and I jolt upright. That's not good news. The last time this happened was when Jungkook found Brynn getting attacked in the woods. Before that, it was the Kalamani festival. Something's happened to a student.

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