Chapter Two: Company

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Jeon Jungkook

With her limp body in my arms, I run through the courtyard. A teacher yells, trying to stop me. He doesn't gauge the situation. I ignore him.

The doors hurt my shoulder as I barrel into them, but I run up the stairs, taking them three at a time.

A very disgruntled Hoseok comes out of his bedroom and blinks at me.

"What happened?." He ushers me into a treatment room and I lay her on the bed gently.

"It was the Kong clan. The bitches she saved me from at the beginning of term. They were pouring this on her and then the alpha threw a knife at her." I hand him the vial I picked up from the forest floor.

"I'm not familiar, but I know the crest. It's Kalamani. Take it to Kai, he's in my room. See if he knows. I'll deal with the stab wound." He nods to me and starts cutting her shirt away. "She'll be okay, Kookie. You did good."

I gulp thickly. I did, didn't I? I did the best I could. She'll be fine. I feel dizzy.

No. Stop it. Be a fucking alpha and make sure your pack is okay before you even begin to worry about yourself. Dickhead.

I use the wall to help keep myself standing as I make my way back into the hall and knock on Hoseok's bedroom door.

The Kalama opens it. "Hoseok wants to know if you know what this stuff is." I hand him the vial and he takes it, frowning. "I haven't seen any in years, but yes." He puts a hand on my back and leads me into the treatment room again. My head is spinning. I need water. Why did she have to walk so far? I bite on my lower lip as I put pressure on a wound on my left shoulder.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Hoseok's gaze darts up at me.

"Fine. Concentrate on her." I growl. Kai sends me a warning look which I politely ignore.

"It's called pau ka wai. 'Liquid burn'. It gives the feeling of being burnt alive and makes your blood boil but it won't ever blister the skin. It was created as an assassination method because it would be so hard to work out what killed the person. I guess the Kong's found another use." Kai purses his lips.

"Yeah, torture for 'fun'." I growl again, clenching my fists. They're gonna fucking pay.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale, Jungkook." Hoseok frowns at me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I roll my eyes.

"She's stable... Let me take a look." He smiles but I growl again. 

"Fucking fix her. Now."

Kai slaps me, hard. I growl at him and go to lunge forward but my head feels so light, I'm gonna faint.

"Kai! You do not hit students." Hoseok snaps, walking to me and cupping my cheeks. "Jungkook, she'll be fine. Healing you will take seconds and then you can help me fix her. Okay?"

I purse my lips but nod. I feel weak. Not just physically, mentally too. As an alpha. I keep fucking up.

He presses his hands on every wound I have. They heal almost instantly, only surface wounds, and I immediately feel more myself.

"Sorry.." I mumble and the angel smiles happily. "Don't be. She's lucky to have someone who cares so much."

Maybe if I showed it... But there's no way I can do that to Taehyung. That would be crossing so many boundaries that you cannot cross.

"Are you sure they were picking on her purely because she saved you?" Hoseok comments as he goes back to Brynn, gently dabbing a cold towel on her forehead.

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