Chapter Six: Aconitum Lycoctonum

333 35 7

Min Yoongi

Demon's can only teleport short distances, and only to places they can see or places that they know. Luckily, Jungkook's family live opposite Jimin's. And they live just down the road from my house. I hopped from one place to another until I found myself locking my door and running to Jimi- Jungkook's. The scenery brings back memories I'd rather not recollect.

As I continue to run down the long ass drive to the Jeon's I am sure to keep aware of the ever darkening sky. I'm not scared, per se. Being scared of getting hurt requires something to live for. And I lost that a while ago, if I ever really had it. I inwardly kick myself for even having those thoughts and come to a stop at the front door. My hands on my knees, I pant for a second, trying to regain my breath before I attempt to be remotely coherent.

The door opens. "You stench of necessity. What is it?. Don't you know we're preparing to turn?" A Jeon growls at me.

"Jungkook.. sent me... Fuck..." I take a deep breath. "Some Kong's put a bunch of wolfsbane in his room where he wouldn't notice and god knows how long he was breathing that shit in for and also three other Jeon alphas-" I take in another big breath, "were affected but not anywhere near as badly as Jungkook. Phew." I pant again and the werewolf pulls me inside by the front of my hoodie.

"Did you hear that, Alpha?" The werewolf address who I can only assume to be Jungkook's dad.

The alpha growls in response. "If that were true, why would he send you?."

"Because I'm a demon. I teleported from Phalaway and then ran when I was too tired to teleport anymore..." I gulp air down. Jungkook seriously owes me. Why the hell did I offer to do this?

"What would be the point?. You can't travel back and my son isn't stupid enough to not realise that." The alpha glares.

I pull out the phone Brynn gave me and ring Taehyung before putting him on speaker just like the witch showed me.

"Hello? Yoongi?? Are you at the Jeon's yet?!" Tae's voice bellows from the tiny device.

"Uhuh.. Can Jimin.. Do the.. Trust thing?" I pant.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin's voice, worried. My gut clenches.

"Better than Jungkook is right now. Hurry the fuck up." I snap.

"Right, sorry. Mr Jeon, Jungkook's been breathing in Wolfsbane and he kind of collapsed. We don't know what to do."

"And he didn't sleep at all last night!" Taehyung adds in.

"Shit." The alpha clenches his jaw worriedly. "We're okay until he starts foaming at the mouth. That's when we know a werewolf is overdosing on the stuff..."

"Okay.. How long do we have until then?" Jimin asks nervously.

"Oh.. Anywhere from 5 seconds to 10 days..." Mr Jeon pulls at his hair. "Hosung, get Aconitum lycoctonum volume 2, that's the book they talk about inhaling the flower in." A werewolf nods and runs out of the room. "Is he breathing okay?"

"It's shaky but it's there." Taehyung informs grimly.

"Is there a teacher with you? Or someone from Glanis?" His lips form a thin line and I try to imagine the stress he is currently under. I can't, I've never had a family.

"No, but Namjoon went to Glanis." The faerie replies again, sounding ever more frightened. "He'll be okay, right?"

The alpha doesn't speak for a while, thinking. "I hope so. Just pray they come in time."

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