Chapter Twelve: Routine

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Laila Evans

"And then, you just tap the top and Bob's your uncle. Self-organising suitcase." Namjoon grins. Brynn nods, smiling, and then looks at Etney with eyes that plead for help.

"I think five spells in one night is enough, babe." Etney chuckles and squeezes in-between the two witches.

"I'm just helping... She needs to know this stuff by the end of the year!" Namjoon warns.

"True... Maybe wait until she's been here a month?" The Kalama taps his cheek lightly and pecks him on the lips. Namjoon pouts but complies, shutting up.

I sit next to her and pat her back comfortingly. "How are you coping?"

"My head hurts..." She rubs her temples and groans.

Yoongi chuckles and leans forward in his seat across from us, where he's writing an essay. "If it's any consolation, you're not the first he's adopted. He did the same to me and Jin. Etney too! But then they started dating so when he got too much she could just kiss him. And he's not my type." Yoongi shrugs jokingly and Brynn giggles. It's an odd pairing but they've become reasonably close. I think it may have a lot to do with the fact that neither understands supernatural's insistence on anything related to humans being practically blasphemes.

Taehyung and Jungkook run in, holding their stomachs from laughter. "Jimin, you should have seen that!"

"Seriously, hyung, it was hilarious!" Jungkook agrees, jumping over the back of the sofa Jimin occupies and leaning over him. "Are you using to one of those human music things??"

"Piss off, Jungkook." Jimin attempts to snatch the device back but Jungkook is too quick, pulling the wires out and pressing play. "Yah! Put it down!" Jimin glares.

"I didn't know you liked classical music, Chim.." Taehyung's eyebrows dart up, impressed.

Yoongi's lips are pursed, breathing slightly unsteady. "That's not classical. Music can still be contemporary even if it's played on a piano." He slams his book shut and heads for the dorms.

Jimin runs after him, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook awkwardly dancing to the music, and grabs his wrist. "Hyung, let me ex-"

"I'm not your fucking hyung, Jimin!" Yoongi glares and the faerie jumps, immediately letting go.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin mumbles.

I get up, about to attempt to calm the situation, but Brynn pulls me back down. "Healing hands can't fix this one, Laila..." I know she's right, but my heart aches for my best friend.

"I get it, Jimin. I understand you're reasoning, I really do! But if that's how it has to be then you fucking let me get over you. This isn't fair."

"Yoongi, calm down." Jimin puts a hand on the elder's forearm but he just shakes it off. "Hyung, you're gonna-"

"I know." The demon grits his teeth and runs upstairs, leaving Jimin by himself. He turns and meets my eyes but shakes his head before running outside. He wants to be alone.

"Did we fuck up?.." Jungkook takes Yoongi's old seat and Taehyung sinks down next to him.

"You think?.." Brynn raises her eyebrows at the boys. "I don't get why they can't just be together, they clearly love each other." She sighs then shrugs, looking back down at the multiple choice questions she'd received for homework. "Now! Can someone please explain how me asking Namjoon what 'cormorant blood' is, turned into him teaching me how to make a suitcase self-organising?"

"Because it's Namjoon..." the werewolf chuckles.

"Helpful, thanks." The witch rolls her eyes at Jungkook and pouts at the faerie next to him. "Taehyungieeeeee. Help... Please?.."

Jungkook's jaw clenches slightly. "A cormorant's a type of bird, isn't it?.." He mutters, ignoring my pointed look.

"It is?.." She frowns, looking down at her notes. "Ew! They want me to boil a bird's blood?? Hell no! What did the bird do?!"

Both boys chuckle at her and I roll my eyes. How does Jungkook manage to get himself stuck in a friendship triangle? It's not even a love triangle because none of them wants to date each other!

"Where is my boyfriend? I am bored!" I pout and Jin looks up from his work.

"You called?" He smiles but is clearly stressed.

I jump onto the sofa next to him. "Entertain me."

"Do you like whiteboards?" He leans in, suddenly serious.

"I guess.." I lean in too, waiting intently for his joke.

"Hmm... Personally, I find them quite re-markable."

I burst out laughing and kick my feet against the bottom of the sofa. "Okay, you definitely get a kiss for that one."

"I'm gonna puke." Etney rolls her eyes.

I stick my tongue out at her. "Just because me and Jinnie and cuter than you and Namjoon."

"'Jinnie'?.." Jungkook snorts to Taehyung.

"Kookie, do you know what 'betony' is?" Brynn frowns at her page, oblivious to the conversation around her.

"Uh.. Kind of like mint, isn't it?" He blushes slightly and rushes to take my previous position next to Brynn. Okay so maybe they don't all just want to be friends. I raise my eyebrows at him and he gives me the finger from under her homework.

"Yah!" Jin yells. "Jungkook, put that away. Now."

Jungkook chuckles but complies, leaning more over Brynn until she too is reacting. I can't tell if that's because she genuinely likes him, or is just uncomfortable with the close proximity.

"You okay, baby?" I kiss Jin's cheek.

"Yeah, just a little stressed. I swear I knew this!" He sighs, shutting the book.

"Want me to cheer you up?" I grin.


"I was thinking about making a belt out of watches.. But I realised it would be a waist of time." I giggle and Jin laughs with me.

"Oh god..." Etney groans.

"That really was awful..." Namjoon agrees.

"What?? Oh, come on, it was kind of funny..." I smirk.

"No. Nope. I cannot work in these conditions. I'm going to the library!" Brynn gets to her feet and drags Taehyung with her, a disgruntled werewolf close behind.

Did Jungkook make her too flustered? Or was my joke really just that bad?

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