Chapter Fifteen - Abstruse

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Jeon Jungkook

She's so oblivious, she doesn't even realise. My cousin leans closer and slides a hand onto the counter behind her and my jaw tightens even more.

"Relax, Joonyoung is sweet. They could be good together." My mother smiles at me in an attempt to be comforting.

"No. She-.. She has a phobia of wolves. Dating a werewolf would be ridiculous." I growl through gritted teeth.

"Oh? I suppose you're right... Unless, of course, if it was you."

"Obviously." My eyes widen quickly and I swear I get whiplash from how fast I turn to my mother.

She chuckles and lovingly pats my cheek. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Jeon Jungkook having actual feelings for a girl?" She feigns a gasp and winks at me. "Don't wait too long to tell her, hmm?" She chuckles again, shaking her head before busying herself in the kitchen.

"Kookie, what do I hear about this cute, little witch saving your arse twice in one full moon?" Joonyoung smirks at me. I swallow hard hoping to prevent a growl from forming in my throat.

"He's someone worth saving." Brynn shrugs, turning to look at me. "I'd do it again in an instant."

We hold eye contact for a while until Joonyoung laughs. "Well, I'm glad someone at Pharaway thinks that. Especially with the two fay he used to run about with gone. Little Kookie's always needed saving. But then again the runt of the litter always does."

This isn't like him. My tongue presses into my cheek and I'm about to retort but I don't get the chance.

"You think Kookie's the runt?" Brynn clutches her stomach laughs. I could kiss her. Not that she'd let me. "No way. I'm sorry, but no. Jungkook is not a runt. I don't quite understand why you seem to have the impression that no one at Pharaway likes him, because he's the most popular boy I kno-"

"Pharaway's really lacking since I left, then." I am really starting to want to punch him. I know he's only saying this to make himself look better in front of a girl, and me worse, but it's getting on my nerves.

Brynn purses her lips and sighs before looking at me. "You know, a lot of alpha traits are really quite attractive: selflessness, leadership, courageousness..." She turns to Joonyoung. "Arrogance is one that I'm really quite glad Jungkook's growing out of. Maybe you can learn from him one day."

My cousin grinds his teeth. "Listen here you little twitch, you can't just come into my uncle's house and-"

"compliment his son?.. Can't I?" She raises her eyebrows and smirks slightly. "Oh, and believe me, Jungkook... He's not little."

My smile drops. "Brynn!"

"What?" She giggles and jogs upstairs to the spare room she's been staying in.

I gulp and turn back to my cousin. "I'm sorry, she didn't mean t-"

"Yes, she did. She's part of your pack, isn't she?" He smirks, sitting next to me on the counter I'm leaning on.

"What makes you think that?" I turn away from him, trying not to make it too obvious.

"Because she saved your life in risk of her own and wouldn't hesitate to do the same again. The thing I don't get is why she stuck up for you without you asking for it. Almost like she was the alpha, not you. Now, if it were anyone else I'd say you were in a relationship, but she didn't mind flirting with me until I started upsetting you. So that would suggest you aren't. But then your reactions, very amusing by the way, they would suggest you are. You see my confusion?" He nudges my arm playfully and I groan.

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