Chapter Three - Re-affiliation

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Kim Seokjin

The door to Glanis House is heavy as I let myself in. It's a feeling relatively familiar to me. Laila spends most of her time in Glanis House and whenever I have a spare moment, I'm wherever Laila is.

"Kai?! Oh. Jin! How're things?" Hobi beams as he hops down the stairs.

"Kai.. Right." I gulp.

"Right! You two haven't met yet.. Well, he should be back any time now. Laila's at the top, as per usual." The angel smiles before bounding up the stairs.

I lick my lips nervously. I haven't spoken to him since he got here, and it's been a while. Before we accidentally run into each other, I sprint up the stairs to the very top of the tower.

"Hey, baby." Laila chirps and stands up from her seat on the floor of the fully windowed room. "You okay? You seem a little spooked." She frowns.

I chuckle and wrap my arms around her. "You read me like a book, don't you?"

"A very good book, I might add." She grins and kisses my cheek.

I tuck my chin onto her shoulder and heave out a sigh. "Did I ever tell you about the guy who saved me from my future?.. The future that never happened..."

"Yeah, a Kalama and his brother, right?" She frowns, leaning back into me.

"If I ever saw him again.. What should I do? Because I really don't know what to say..." I bite at the inside of my lip nervously.

"Jin. If you're telling me that you know where to find him..." She immediately turns to face me.

"I think... I think it's Hoseok's hu-"

"Jin! You said you hadn't met yet, so I thought that I'd introduce you both." Hoseok grins as he pulls Kai into the room. My gut clenches and Laila's mouth drops.

"Well, I hope you make your mind up soon sweetie..." She giggles slightly and squeezes my hand in comfort.

"What was that?" Hobi tilts his head in confusion.

"Nothing.." Laila chuckles again and grabs his hand. "Jin, I love you and I believe in you. Hwaiting!" With that, she pulls a very confused Hoseok out of the room.

"Jin..." Kai blinks at me. "You've.. Grown..."

I bite my lip nervously. "So have you. You're like.. A man."

Kai chuckles and nods. "That, I am. So, that family. Were they good to you?"

"Amazing! Yeah. Kai, I... I heard about your brother..." I look away awkwardly. He doesn't reply, just looks at the floor uncomfortably. "I'm sorry I didn't come and say anything. I just... I didn't know what to say."

"It's okay. You were young." He shrugs but I can tell he's just letting his walls surround him.

"So were you." I mumble.

"True... But it's okay. Really, Jin. I understand." He smiles and for a second I can't believe I was ever afraid of talking to him. I forgot how genuinely good he is.

"So... How's Yoongi's case going?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, I would like to know that too!" Laila runs in.

Both of us blink, slightly taken aback.

"So was not listening in to that whole conversation..." She looks to her left, embarrassed.

I chuckle and beckon her over. She grins and comes running to me, arms sliding around my waist.

"Sadly, no. Every time it feels as though we're getting somewhere, we come up to a dead end." He grumbles, Hoseok slipping through the door and leaning against it. Kai looks up at the click of the hatch and immediately stiffens at the sight of his husband. "Hobi, I-"

"Lied to me?.. Yeah, I'd already guessed..." He smiles knowingly. "I can always tell when you lie."

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Kai gapes at him.

"Because you didn't want me to be unhappy! I wanted to respect that..." He shrugs.

Kai chuckles and looks at me. "What do you think we did to deserve love from angels? Something in a previous life?"

I grin back. "Undoubtedly."

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