Chapter Four - Restitution

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Lee Hoon

I can barely feel my feet. I can't feel my toes. My eyes feel dry from the cold wind blowing at my face. But still, I run. Or rather, I try to.

The weight of my limp father in my arms prevents me from being anywhere near as fast as I need to be. For the first time in my life, I'm utterly jealous of my old friend Kai's ability to sprout wings.

Yoongi's last words ring through my head and I pray that he's right. "Whatever happens, Pharaway is safe. There are skilled people who can heal you, spare beds and enough food to feed armies. Even if you don't know anyone, tell them I sent you."

My mind begins to go fuzzy and my vision grows blind spots as I attempt to stay conscious. I recognise the familiar, welcoming sight of Pharaway's iron gates. But, unlike every other time I'd seen them, they're not open and ushering me inside. On the contrary, they're tightly closed and locked with padlocks and chains. I whimper slightly at the sight. This definitely isn't the Pharaway I remember.

A figure on the other side of the gates approaches the gates as I feel my legs start to wobble slightly. I can't remember how long I've been carrying my father, but I know every second I continue to stand is a small miracle in itself.

"Name and intention?" The figure asks.

"L-Lee Hoon. I used to go here. My father's dying, p-please." I hold onto the gate in an attempt to keep myself stable.

"I'm sorry, I just need to check with the-"

"What's going on?" That voice. I know that voice.

"There's someone at the gate." The figure from before turns away from me and I almost break into tears then and there.

"Oh my god... Hoon?!" The voice walks through the mist and I immediately relax. I just know everything will be okay. He'll make sure of it.


"What on earth are you waiting for?! Let him in for goodness sake!" He snaps at the figure who immediately obliges, waving a hand at the chains. The gates creak open and Hoseok takes my father from me. I vaguely gauge myself thanking him before I feel the damp ground on my side and nothingness overwhelms me.


"Don't you dare, Kai Finton." Hoseok growls.

"But that always used to wake him up!" A very familiar voice grumbles.

"He should rest as much as possible! I can't begin to imagine how far he ran... Or what happened at the prison... He's been through enough, so just for once be patient, and let him rest. Please?" I grin at Hoseok's scolding.

"Yeah, Kai. Piss off." I rub my eyes, properly coming to. I push myself off the soft mattress I lie on and immediately feel hands helping me find a convenient position.

"Hoonie..." He doesn't need to say more. I nod, smiling more than I have in years.

"Hoon, what happened?" The angel frowns, sitting on a chair next to the bed I'm on as Kai leans against the bed-frame.

"I don't know exactly... They let me out. No one told me why. And so I went home, but when I got there I just saw my dad like this in the hallway. The door was still fucking open..." I gulp remembering the sheer amount of blood on the walls and immediately sending that image out of my mind. "H-How is he?"

"He hasn't woken up yet, but he's stable." Hoseok smiles and squeezes my hand reassuringly. "Laila's with him now."

"Who?" I furrow my brow slightly, not recognising the name.

"Another angel. She's almost as good as Hobi now! She's doing really well. She has a good teacher." Kai smiles at Hoseok and I let out a huff of amusement. I'd almost forgotten how sickeningly sweet these two always were.

"You two are still going strong then." I don't blame them for not keeping in touch. Of course, it would have been nice to get letters and visitors like Jimin does for Yoongi. But I understand how complicated it would have been for the freakin Peacekeeper to spend time in the Kalamani prison. And angel's don't feel comfortable breaking rules, so Hoseok wouldn't have been able to bribe the guards into letting me have visitors when I'm not supposed to.

"We got married... It was tiny. There wasn't exactly anyone to invite... The only person we would have wanted there back then was you." Kai shrugs.

"I'm sorry I missed it." I grimace slightly only to have Hoseok shush me and pat my hand again.

"I know he was fired, but I couldn't work out why." The Kalama mumbles.

I frown, confused. "Who?"

"The Senator. Your dad." He looks down at his hands and pulls at a loose thread on his shirt to no avail. "I did some digging yesterday, but that's all I could work out. But, if he was fired, he's no longer any use to them. Presumably, the Clanless tried to tie up loose ends."

"You know about them blackmailing him?" I sit up, immediately paying attention.

"Yes, but we can't prove it. Another of their victims told us." Hoseok purses his lips slightly and I nod slowly.

I close my eyes and allow myself to just think. It's difficult to process all of this when I was locked up without access to knowing what was going on outside for so long. I was able to gather bits and pieces from new people coming into the prison, like Kai becoming Peacekeeper, for example, but all this new information is taking its toll.

"Are you okay?.." Kai squeezes my shoulder gently and I nod, eyes still closed.

"We're probably overwhelming him. He still needs rest!" I hear the angel tut and start bustling about the room.

"Loose ends..." I chuckle darkly and clench my jaw as I let my eyes flick open again. "The Clanless made a mistake in letting me go. I'm gonna make sure I'm the fray that unravels the entire fucking jumper."

"That would have seemed so much more badass if you hadn't used a knitted jumper as your analogy." Kai chuckles.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down. Getting worked up won't help anyone. "I missed you, man..."

"So, are you planning on resuming your education?" The Kalama grins and bounces onto the foot of the bed. If neither of us had telltale signs of age and stress, you could almost pretend no time had passed at all.

"I'm almost 30..." I grimace.

"It's never too late, bruh." Kai jokes and grins at me as I chuckle slightly.

"If you ever say that again, I am leaving you." Hoseok warns from across the room before coming back to the side of my bed and handing me a concoction of sorts.

"Fair enough." Kai looks down, almost ashamed at himself, but still with that typical smirk. I didn't realise how much I'd missed that fucking smirk.

"What's this?" I frown as the liquid is passed to me. It doesn't smell particularly pleasant.

"Medicine. You overworked your body and that isn't easy to heal with magick. This is a pick-me-up. You'll feel more yourself." He smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Is politely declining an option?" I grimace at the Kalama on the foot of my bed.

"Nope!" Hoseok calls out as he goes to leave. "Kai, make sure he finishes it."

I glare at them both before downing the disgusting liquid.

"Welcome back, man."


Uni starts again today... Joy of joys... I'm kind of looking forward to it because I get to see everyone again and I have my favourite lecturer again this term. But also, I only have two terms left until I finish uni completely! I don't know if I'm ready for the real world yet...

Where are you guys up to in your lives?


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