Chapter Thirteen: Betrayal

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Kim Taehyung


"Fuck off." She keeps walking back to Asto

"What happened to not swearing?.." Jungkook frowns. I join him, utterly confused. What the hell did he do?

"What happened to 'mine'?." She bites back.

"You are mine." Jungkook growls. She's what?.

"So I have to be yours, but you can keep sleeping around?." She spins around, fuming.

"Do you want to sleep around?" I could fucking punch him.

"Well, no.. Bu-" I will fucking punch him.

"Then that's fine. You keep just sleeping with me and I'll sleep with whoever the fuck I want, including you. Everyone gets what they want." Okay, maybe punching isn't enough. I should fucking stab him.

"But I want you for myself too!" There are tears in her eyes. Does she love Jungkook? Or did he just hurt her a lot? Either way, why didn't she tell me?

"Why?. All I do is hurt you, right?" I mean that's clearly true. At least he's being honest.

"I-I don't know.." She's ashamed. Then it's almost definitely love, if she doesn't understand why she wants him even though he hurts her. Fuck.

"We can mess around, but I'm not changing my lifestyle for you, Brynn." Since when was he such a dickhead?!

"Then I don't want to do this." She looks up at him defiantly, challengingly, but hopeful. And he just stares back blankly. It's like he doesn't even see her!

"Okay then. See you around." He shrugs and turns on his heel, heading back towards Vinder.

"Sorry, Tae.. But I thought you should know..." Yoongi looks down, pushing us out of the shadows once Brynn runs away, crying.

"So.. So Jungkook really broke her fucking wrist?. And then just.. Just... What?!" I actually think I might kill him.

"I mean.. To be fair... I think she broke her own wrist... But that was because she kept telling him to let go of her and he didn't..." The demon looks away. "I did the right thing telling you, didn't I?"

"Yeah.. Yeah, you did. Thanks, hyung." I smile at him and he nods.

"You'd do the same for me." He smiles back and then disappears, presumably to Jimin's room.

I run into Vinder and see Jungkook storming up the stairs. If that dickhead dares go and shag the girl he was flirting with in front of Brynn, I swear to god. I chase after him and slam our bedroom door behind me. "What the fuck?."

He spins, startled, and frowns. "Tae..?"

"What. The actual. Fuck?." I glare.

"What are yo-"

"Seriously?! The one thing I said, Jungkook. The one fucking thing!" Maybe I'm overreacting. And honestly, I wouldn't be as mad at any of the others. But Jungkook's a player. He doesn't care about her, not really.

"I.. I don't.." From the look on his face, he knows exactly what I mean.

"I get that you need to channel your anger and that you use sex for that. That's fine. But not with Brynn! Not with my fucking sister, okay?!" I push him, hard.

He growls. "She's not your sister."

"She may as well be! We both hated our real families so we made our own. Not that you'd know anything about that with your fucking perfect family and your fucking perfect life!" I push him again.

His fists clench and I can see he's trying hard not to hit back. "I didn't use her for my anger, Tae."

"Oh really?? Is that why you took her virginity and pretended it didn't happen?! Or why you broke her fucking wrist and pretended that didn't fucking happen either?!" I push him a third time and his back hits the wall.

"It wasn't like that." His jaw is clenched as tight as his fists.

"Then what? You were jealous? Is that why Laila told me to include you more? You got pissed off that I had my real friend back and I didn't need you as a substitute anymore?." I push his shoulders but he has nowhere to go so he just bumps against the plaster. "Or you just thought, fuck it, I'll ruin her life and betray my best friend. They're not from True Clan's anyway so they don't fucking matter."

"I never said anything abou-"

"What else could it be?!" A tear falls down his cheek but I ignore it. He doesn't get pity right now, he doesn't fucking deserve it.

"I think I love her."

No. He can't. He's not allowed. He's just saying that.

I don't think. I just swing my fist at his face. His nose cracks and he holds it, shocked. "Tae..!"

"Shut the fuck up. Stay away from her. And stay away from me." I storm out, slamming the door behind me, leaving the werewolf sliding down the wall, cupping his bleeding nose. I ignore his muffled sobbing.

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