Chapter Five: Pack Wars

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Jeon Jungkook

I couldn't sleep last night. Something just felt off. I kept tossing and turning to the point that at around 4am Taehyung had to climb into my bed with me. He stroked me behind my ears, which calms me down, until he fell asleep again but this time with his hand on my face. I was unimpressed, to say the least, but I appreciate the gesture. 

Now I sit curled up on a chair in the common room, growling at anyone who comes close. Taehyung keeps apologising and reminds them that it's a full moon tonight. Not that I needed reminding. I can already feel the moon's pull and it only makes me miss my pack even more. The pain of turning can almost be forgotten when you get to run with your pack. But here, there are so many different packs, and even some pack-less werewolves, that it's just a competition to see who can wake up with the fewest scars. I'm proud to say I always come near the top, but I barely ever win. And without sleeping at all last night, I doubt I'll even get halfway this month.

I see a group of alpha's from across the room sneering at me. They asked me to join them on my first day here and I refused, preferring to stay with the two fay. Understandably, that offended the werewolves quite a bit. But now they have it out for me, every chance they get. And no one blames a werewolf for hurting someone on a full moon. You can't help it. And if it's another werewolf then no one can prove who started it.

"Jungkook, would you take a potion I make for you? I know one, quick to whip up, it's like a mega energy bar! I don't know, I just thought that might help later on... That's all..." Namjoon awkwardly looks away and turns to leave, but I sit up and call him back.

"Thanks... I appreciate it." I force a smile, but I think it turns out as more of a grimace.

Jimin runs a hand through my hair and my eyes close automatically, sighing at the touch. "You'll be okay, though.. Right, Kook?"

I grunt, honestly unsure of the answer.

Taehyung flashes me a worried look. "Should we stay up tonight? Keep an eye on you?"

"NO!" I growl, loud and deep. I clear my throat and clench my jaw, trying to get calm again. "No, you won't be safe."

The fay both want to speak more but at the looks I give them, they bite their tongues. I hum thankfully and lean closer to the fire, this weekend being so much colder than the previous few. Just my luck. I glance over at the alphas again and immediately I'm even more nervous.

Yoongi sighs from the chair the furthest away from us. "It's those arseholes by the window, isn't it?" He glares.

"It's nothing..." I roll my eyes.

"Jungkook. I know when someone's being bullied, trust me." Yoongi tries again and I groan.

"Kookie, are you being bullied?!" Jimin's eyes widen and he takes his hand away from my hair which makes me even angrier.

"Normally I can take them all at once, but I don't know about tonight. I couldn't sleep..." I tuck my legs underneath myself.

"At all??" Jimin glares at Taehyung. "You should have stroked behind his ears!"

"I did!" The fellow faerie raises his arms in defence.

I groan, seeing the alphas laugh even more at this.

"Right, that's it." Yoongi snaps, standing up.

"What are you doing?..." I frown, grabbing his wrist so he can't get past me.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." Yoongi raises his eyebrows slightly.

"You'll get in trouble. Sit down." Jimin glares slightly but Yoongi doesn't listen. Whatever power Jimin used to have over the demon is well and truly gone.

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