Chapter Six: Superfluous

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Brynn Celan

My eyes flutter open to the blaring alarm and I wince as laser sunlight beams directly into my eyes from Jungkook's window yet again. With a grumble and a huff, I turn around in his arms and bury my head in the werewolf's neck. He stirs slightly but only to cuddle me closer and fumble with his phone before drifting off again.

"Jungkook, your alarm is still going off... And you've already snoozed it four ti-" His hand covers my mouth.

"Shhhhhhhhhh... Sleep time..." I chuckle at how adorable he is in the mornings. Under the covers, his hands caress my skin and I feel so content. For some reason, he has a slight obsession with running his fingertips on the scar on my stomach and side. I was wary at first, it being something I've always been a little self-conscious of, but he quickly made me feel comfortable, always kissing it and touching it whenever our clothes came off. He would mumble things about strength and character and somehow he made me feel almost proud of it. So much so, I'd worn a crop top yesterday and you could see the bottom half of the bite mark under where the shirt stops.

His fingertips run over the scar and I hum softly, breathing him in. "Aren't you looking forward to seeing the other's again today? Don't get me wrong, the past four days have been great! Really amazing, actually. But aren't you excited to see Jimin and Tae again?" I poke his cheek and giggle when his eyes burst open. "You forgot it was today, huh?.."

"Uh... Yeah... You need to go back to your room. Right now." He panics, sitting up and pulling a t-shirt and some tracksuit bottoms on.

"Right now?.." I groan.

"Yup, sorry." He finds my clothes from the day before and chucks them onto the bed next to me. I frown, wondering why he's suddenly acting like this. Shrugging, I pull on my jeans and the crop top, raising my eyebrows when Jungkook's gaze wanders over my figure. I remember how fast he was to get me out of this yesterday and giggle softly.

"Phone!" He suddenly whips around and picks up the device from his bed.


"Yeah, I have a phone now.." He blushes slightly.

"I know, you've been playing music on it for the past four days..." I chuckle.

"Right, but.. I could put your number on it..." He bites his lip and I grin, telling him the digits.

"Uh.. Okay... So what do I..." He frowns and tilts his head. Yes. Definitely a puppy.

I bop his nose and take the phone out of his hands. "Let me do it."


Jeon Jungkook

She hands me the phone and  stare blankly at it. It buzzes in my hand, making me jump.

Brynn <3 : 10:07

Hi x

"Hi, X? Why are you calling me X?..." I frown.

"The X is like a kiss.." She blushes slightly and I smirk, looking back at my phone

Bunny: 10:08


Bunny: 10:09


She bursts out laughing and I grin, pleased with myself.

"When have I ever been satisfied with a single kiss?" I wiggle my eyebrows and she blushes again. "I'll come to your room later tonight, okay?"

She nods and bites her lip slightly nervously. I understand her apprehension. I have no idea what's going to happen now everyone else is here. I'm panicking. Severely.

She waves awkwardly and walks out of the room. I shut it quickly behind her and turn around.


I ransack the entire room, putting anything that could be remotely connected to Brynn being in here inside a black bin bag and kicking that underneath my bed. I'll deal with it later.

The door creaks open and I jump at the sound, spinning to see the smiling face of my roommate.

"Hey, Taehyung!"

"Hey, Kook. How was your long weekend?"

"Oh, you know... Uneventful..."

I am definitely going to hell.


Kim Taehyung

"Taehyungie!!" A ball of mousey hair and pastel pink t-shirt bulldozes into me. I grin, ruffling her hair.

"Hey, Brynnie!" I cuddle her close and then let go, keeping my hands on her shoulders. "How was your long weekend?"

"It was.. interesting..." She blushes, looking away. "I spent a lot of time with Jungkook..."

"Really? Kookie didn't mention it." I shrug and Brynn frowns slightly.

"He didn't?..."

I shake my head and pull the witch into Vinder. "Everyone's here already. And Jimin missed you as much as I did. As did Yoongi, even if he won't admit it."

The shorter faerie beams at Brynn when he sees her.

"Hey Jimin! I missed you." She pouts and he hugs her tightly.

"Hi, Brynn." Yoongi smiles awkwardly. The witch blinks at him and then squeezes him in a tight hug. He rolls his eyes but squeezes back.

I beam at them. This is exactly what I pictured when I found out Brynn would be joining Pharaway. Everyone would be great friends and I'd have all my favourite people with little to no drama involved.

"Okay... I sense something different." She looks at Yoongi and tilts her head, studying him.

The demon blushes slightly under the scrutiny. "What?!.."

"You're not overly miserable. And neither are you." She raises her eyebrows at Jimin. "And you're standing next to each other. Spill the tea!" She grins excitedly and the two boys look at each other and then the floor.

"We uh.. We're gonna try... Kind of... Dating...?" Yoongi mumbles and Brynn squeals, hugging both of them tightly.

"I'm so happy for you guys! And freakin finally!! How long does it take you, people?" As they part Yoongi and Jimin link a hand hesitantly. When they see nothing but supportive smiles, Yoongi pulls Jimin into his chest and nuzzles his face into the boy's neck. Jimin blushes but grins, intertwining their fingers on both hands and wrapping his 'kind-of' boyfriend's arms around himself.

Namjoon and Jungkook join the group but keep having their private conversation. Jungkook nodding grimly.

"Kookie, why didn't you tell Tae that we'd spent the long weekend together?.." Brynn mumbles and I pretend I can't hear anything.

"Because we just studied..? I didn't think it was worth mentioning..." He shrugs and turns away from her, continuing his conversation with Namjoon.

I gently sigh. Of course, Jungkook wouldn't understand how sensitive Brynn can be. It's not that she needs constant attention but she just can't stand being ignored or glazed over; it makes her feel unimportant. Presumably because of how her parents raised her and her sister... I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and pull her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around my little sister.

"I really missed you, Brynnie." She giggles and tries to scramble away from me but I hold on tight and don't let her go.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook stiffen and clench his jaw. I wonder what he and Namjoon could be talking about that makes him so tense...

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