Chapter Twenty One - Pack Rescue

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Min Yoongi

My jeans are now soaked through at the knees where I've been kneeling on the forest floor. Jimin's hand is tightly clasped around my own and this comforts me greatly. Glancing around at our allies, all the werewolves have fingers to their temples and I realise how much that high pitched tone must hurt them and why it blocks the mental connection so well. Damn The Clanless and their actually pretty intelligent members...

Jungkook crouches near us with Taehyung by his side. It's weird seeing the werewolf with a pendulum in his hands but again The Clanless are too damned clever. It seems they doused the entire forest in petrol so there would be no way of finding a trail or tracking by scent. They must have a lot of man power... I gulp, never having realised quite how huge they are.

"They'll be fine..." Jimin kisses my cheek. "As will we!"

"You better be..." I grumble, pulling him closer so I can feel his breath on my cheek and neck.

"The Theasphreyei's have a large army. And they're on their way. We just have to stay hidden until they arrive." The faerie grins. "It won't be nearly as hard as saving Tae was."

"You were pretty badass then, by the way..." I smiles slightly, remembering him pick up a shard of glass in his foot. "You did get Hobi to heal you, right?" I immediately frown.

"Yes, as soon as he'd made Taehyung stable. It only took seconds, it wasn't that bad..." He shrugs.

"Jimin, you lacerated your entire foot." I glare pointedly.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?.." He grins cheekily.

"Yeah.. Your plans always do seem to..." I smile proudly and run a hand through my boyfriend's hair. Just think, some day soon, we won't have to keep looking over our shoulders. The rest of our lives could be the calm before the storm..."

"Hyung, you're being cheesy..." Red dapples itself over his plump cheeks and I beam.

"You're blushing, though."

"As it happens, I like cheesy..." He looks away, pouting slightly.

A hiss from our right and I immediately turn to Jungkook. He's pointing at a large group of guards who are running towards us.

Shit. We must've been too loud. But I could have sworn I was whispering!

As soon as we prepare to fight, the guards stop and then begin to fight.. each other?!

"What the fuck are they doing?..." I ponder aloud.

We all stand there, now full upright, blinking at the group of supernatural beings who don't even register our presence. They're tearing at each other like ugly, rabid wolves, no offence to Jungkook, of course. Brynn may still call him beautiful in his wolf form, but it's not my thing.

My mouth slowly opens, jaw soon following it towards the ground. From behind these idiots, follows four familiar figures: Brynn, murmuring some spells with her hands pointed at The Clanless' guards; Nova a step ahead, making sure she doesn't trip; Nangmi, the prison receptionist is a few steps behind, holding onto her almost half grown belly; Ryong is running to catch up, stumbling and limping, occasionally throwing incredibly strong magick at the guards who then follow him.

"Holy shit..." Jimin gapes, reiterating my own thoughts.

In seconds, Jungkook has sprinted over to the small witch and wrapped her up in his arms like a forcefield. She immediately relaxes, somehow knowing it's him even being from behind and cuddling into him.

Jimin pulls me over to them and I easily comply. "How the hell did you-"

Taehyung roughly grabs Nova's wrist and thwacks the back of Jungkook's head. "Still being chased, you peanut brain."

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