Chapter Eighteen: Powerless

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Min Yoongi

"All students to be re-registered immediately. Please calmly make your way to the common rooms. Your head's of house will be awaiting you." Jungkook and I jolt upright. That's not good news. The last time this happened was when Jungkook found Brynn getting attacked in the woods. Before that, it was the Kalamani festival. Something's happened to a student.

"Fuck, why does my brain immediately think Brynn?" Jungkook panics and I pull him into a tight hug.

"That never goes away, I'm immediately thinking Jimin. Just don't overreact until we know, okay?" I put my hands firmly on his shoulders and he nods, clenching his jaw in determination.

"A-And it could just be that they didn't mark everyone present and want to recount to double check, right?" He looks at me hopefully.

"Yeah, of course." Nope. No fucking way. Not at Pharaway. There's always some big drama that makes everyone cry and someone gets hurt. Where has Jungkook been for the past year and a term?

We 'calmly' run downstairs and I breathe a little easier when I see Namjoon and Seokjin. After getting ourselves registered we immediately go over to them.

"Etney says she and Laila are fine, I'm on the phone to her now." Joon informs me and I nod appreciatively.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook looking as if he's about to crush his phone in his hands.

"Kook." I frown warningly and he shoves it back in his pocket.

"Sorry, Brynn isn't answering... I've called her like five times in seven minutes and left three messages!"

"What?." Jungkook grabs a dryad's shoulder and spins him around. "Say that again."

"Easy, Jungkook." Namjoon puts a hand on the werewolf's chest to calm him.

"I-I was just saying that I looked out of my window before I came down here, and I saw.. I mean I think I saw blood. I don't actually know..." He shrugs and looks away.

"Which side?" He growls.


"Which side of Vinder are you?!" He yells in the boy's face and the dryad jumps.


Jungkook pushes to the door and I follow right behind him. A teacher calls after us but we both ignore them, running to the north side of the building.

Jungkook sniffs and runs over to the fence that goes all the way around Pharaway. His lips purse and I don't need him to tell me that it's blood. I can see that for myself.


"I know.. Has Brynn replied?" I frown. It's awful to think this has happened to any student, of course. But I'm deeply hoping that for once the drama could be happening to a different friendship group.

"No, but she's okay.." He has tears in his eyes. I frown.

"Kook, can you tell who's blood it is?" My gut tightens as he nods. Of course, it would be us again.

"It's faerie blood." A werewolf next to us confirms, clearly in the same dilemma as us. "Thank god.."

Good for you, dickhead.

"Jungkook, who's?." I turn him to face me and a tear falls. It can't be Jimin. Please god, don't let it be.


I blink back at him. I'm relieved but that makes me guilty. And I'm scared. Taehyung is as much my friend as Jungkook is, if not more. He was the first person I ever met who didn't detest all things human.

"Why? Who would want to hurt him?!" I'm furious now.

"I-I don't know!" He gulps, panicking. "Hyung, he can't die like this. Not just after we-"

"Don't, Jungkook. You're assuming the worst again."

At this point, a large crowd of people has formed.

"Yoongi! Yoong- Would you fridge-ing move?" Brynn pushes to the front of the crowd and gasps as she sees the blood making the brick wall glisten in the gloaming's low light.

"It's Tae's.." Jungkook mutters through a clenched jaw and Brynn's mouth drops.

"I know, he-"

"You know?" I glare at her.

"I guessed.. He ca-"


Jungkook sniffs again and at first, I think he's probably just crying more. But then he frowns and crouches, sniffing at the wall. "Hyung there's something else.. There-"

"Excuse me, everyone!" The headmaster clears his throat and comes forward. "I know you are all very scared. I can promise you that no stone will be unturned while we search for the two missing students."

Wait. Two??

"Until we have found answers as to how intruders keep getting into Pharaway, I'm afraid we are forced to close the school." Mutterings of outrage surface amongst the students. "Please promptly collect your things and make arrangements. We will be sending couches of students to the various nearby towns. If you do not live close by then we can assist you with accommodation until the reopening of the school's gates. Thank you."

"Sir!" Brynn runs up to him. "What about me?"

"Miss Celan, you do live near.." He sighs.

"But you know I can't go back to my family, Sir." She frowns, desperate.

"Then I suggest you stay with a friend, Miss Celan. I don't have time for this."

"Who's the other student?" I already know the answer. I'm so sure of it, it hurts.

The headmaster turns and sighs. "Park Jimin."

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