Chapter Thirteen - Pack Cognition

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Jeon Jungkook

"Baby, just calm down." Brynn squeezes my shoulders but I don't let her comfort me for long. 

"I'm such a shitty alpha! This was supposed to be us proving ourselves as a force to be reckoned with and one of my pack is fucking kidnapped!" My fists tighten and I have to press my head against the wall to stop myself from hitting it.

"It's not your fault, you were literally writhing on the floor in pain from whatever that high pitched noise was. You couldn't have done anything." She attempts again.

"I could have followed his trail. Or I could have fought through the pain of a fucking squeak." I grit my teeth, jaw clenching and unclenching.

"We both know it was specifically to stop any of you from following them. Besides, we had to get Hollis here. They planned this, Kook, you didn't stand a chance. If you went alone or even with one or two people, you all would've been killed, so we needed to come here and regroup. You made a hard decision and it was the right one. Tae would agree! Get as much sleep as you can and then as soon as it's light tomorrow, we'll go and see if we can pick up a trail." She slides her hand into my hair and strokes behind my ears. 

"They planned it all, you said it. The trail's probably been clouded somehow..." I look away, not wanting to admit how much her touch is helping me.

"Then I can easily make another pendulum, like I did for Hollis." She stays calm. She does't get frustrated with my consistent negativity, just contradicts it. I love her so fucking much, I may as well be honest with her.

I finally let out a breath. "I feel like I'm failing you all..."

She doesn't say anything, she doesn't need to. I can feel her acceptance and gratefulness. Even though I might not agree with her, I know she still wouldn't want another alpha if she had the choice. "Go to sleep, Kookie. Tae needs you to be strong."

I sigh and nod, letting her lead me to her bed. Nova wanted to stay with Euclea and Hollis in Glanis House anyway, and Brynn decided I wouldn't sleep if left alone. She's completely right, of course. 

Her fingertips continue to run through the hair just behind my ear and I bury my nose into her neck, holding her close as we fall onto her mattress. Wrapped in a knot of limbs and blankets, I let her slowly ease me into slumber.


"This isn't your fight, Jungkook." My father sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Not m-.. Like hell, he's my fucking pack!" I growl.

"You're a kid! You're all kids! I forbid you to go after him. The Clanless aren't playing, Jungkook. They will kill you no matter how long you've been making reckless decisions!" He growls back. "Just leave it to us, now."

Brynn pulls me away even though I am not remotely finished with our conversation.


We have more important things to talk about. Her voice echoes inside my mind and I glare, but shut up.

More important that Taehyung?!

No. Just listen, hyung. The dream you had last night. Dwyll's voice joins the witch's as we approach what's left of my pack.

What about it? I roll my eyes, getting restless already.

It was exactly the same as mine and Dwyll's. Thulu and Youngha, too. Brynn looks at me pointedly.


While you and your father were comparing the size of your... fighting. We thought about it and we think it was Taehyung trying to tell us where they're holding him. I ignore Thulu's first comment and focus on the latter. Tae's contacting us?

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