Chapter Four: Revealed

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Laila Evans

Now practically empty, the common room is quiet as most people are outside taking in the last of the afternoon sun, or getting in first for the food. Jungkook grumbles about how he should be there too, but Taehyung just slaps his chest gently and he shuts up. I watch Jimin warily as he catches Yoongi's eye and then both quickly look away.

"So why are we here?.." Namjoon frowns, confused.

"Well.." Jin leans forward slightly in his chair. "It's not exactly a secret that our friendship groups are pretty much social enemies, right?..." He laughs awkwardly and everyone stares blankly at him.

"What Jin means is that our two groups always try to avoid each other. Like Jungkook walking away when he sees Namjoon approaching a table near him, or like me and Etney feeling like we couldn't tell anyone except for Namjoon that we're roommates because we thought everyone else would flip o-" I start.

Jungkook glares, interrupting me. "You're what?."

"Roommates, Kook. Listen." Taehyung shakes his head, sending me an apologetic smile.

I chuckle slightly and let Jin take over again. "We're dating. Laila and I... So we'd really appreciate it if everyone here could make an effort to get along..?" He bites his lip nervously.

"Oh thank god. Pretending to hate you all is tiring." Taehyung leans back into his chair and grins.

Jungkook shrugs. "As long as Jimin's okay with that, I never had a problem with you guys in the first place."

All eyes flick to the faerie who is looking at the floor. "Everyone knows. Right?"

After a while of no reply, I slip my hand into one of his and give it a comforting squeeze.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." He finally looks up and now everyone can see how red his eyes are. "I'm sorry. For being a dick to all of you. Some-... Some more than others..."

Yoongi looks away and Jimin bites back new tears.

"I was selfish and I admit that. And I'm going to change. Over the holidays I told my parents I don't agree with their morals and that I'm an adult so I'm going to start making decisions and opinions for myself. I know that won't take back what I've done. But I'm gonna stop pretending."

I pat his hand, proud. I know it took a lot to stand up to his family.

"Can I leave now?" Yoongi stands. All pairs of eyes suddenly flick to him apart from Jimin's amber ones. "I've put up with Jin for however many years, I'll put up with all of you too."

"Yah." Jin tuts, but smiles. "Go, it's fine. That's all we wanted to say, really."

The demon nods and vanishes back upstairs.

"So, Namjoon. I've always wanted to ask about your study on the concept of pack roles in species other than werewolf.." Jungkook grins, darting over to the sofa the warlock and Etney are currently sat on.

Taehyung and Jin awkwardly shake hands and introduce themselves, never having met before as the faerie was whisked away by Jimin and Jungkook before they had a chance to.

I turn to the teary-eyed Jimin. "You okay, honey?" I squeeze his hand again and he continues to cling to it, shaking his head slightly.

"W-What if my parents find out?.." He mutters under his breath.

"About me and Jin?" I tilt my head, confused.

"No, about me kissing Yoongi..." His lips form a thin line and he frowns worriedly.

"But they already know about you two.. That's why you stopped in the first place, right?" I stroke his hair and he calms down a little.

"They know about us five years ago... They think I'm over him now. If they find out I'm not, I don't know what would happen!" Tears begin to fall again and I whisk them away with my thumb. "I don't want them to hurt Yoongi..."

"No one's going to tell them, sweetie. It'll be fine." I pull him into my arms and hug him tightly. "You'll be fine." I lie again.

In the past five years, Jimin has pissed off so many people. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if someone told them.

"Are you really going to hide forever, Jimin?" I sigh.

"What else can I do? I'm a Park..." He mumbles and sniffs.

"But your whole life? You'll never be happy..." I frown, stroking his hair again.

"I know. But even thinking about being with Yoongi endangers him. And if he dies because of me or my family I'll never forgive myself."

I sigh again. The situation is far too complex for me to work out an answer to it quickly. I guess we just have to hope.

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