Chapter Ten: Mind Healing

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Laila Evans

"You know she's not even in Chara." I smirk at Jungkook and sit next to him on the sofa.

He jumps and pretends that he totally wasn't just watching Brynn and Taehyung. "Oh, it's you..."

"Yup, it's me. Everyone's favourite in-house angel." I joke, beaming at the werewolf.

"I prefer Hoseok.." Jungkook quips and I frown slightly.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

He sighs and flicks his eyes back to the two playing some enchanted board game. Every time you roll the die, your player hops along for you. And every time that happens, Bynn squeals with excitement and his jaw clenches. "Yeah, fine."

"I could make you tell me, you know." I smile and pull my knees underneath myself.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to chat, and even if I was it certainly wouldn't be to you." He glares. I blink, but I don't overreact - perks of being an angel.

"What's your problem with me, Jungkook?" I look at him blankly.

"I don't have a problem with you, Laila. But I will if you don't leave me alone." He growls and I sigh.

"If you don't tell me out of choice, I will force you to. It concerns me, Kook. Everyone else gets on fine, why can't we?"

"Because you're taking Jimin away from me!" He snaps and then purses his lips, but eventually groans and faces me on the sofa. "Jimin's been my best friend since we were kids, and then you turn up and all the stuff with Yoongi happens and suddenly it's you two that always together. So I got close to Taehyung. It was easy because Jimin always pushed us together anyway and we're roommates. But now Brynn's back and she's taking him from me, which is fine because I want what's best for her but-..." He looks away, unable to finish the sentence, but visibly struggles to keep himself from growling when Brynn giggles and Taehyung loops an arm around her waist.

"But you're scared he'll take her away from you too?" I smile comfortingly.

"Which is stupid! I barely know her, if anything it's me wanting to take her from him not the other way around." He groans and puts his head in his hands. "And normally I'd talk to Jimin about this but you and him... I don't feel like I can talk to him anymore..."

I nod and stroke the boy's hair, knowing it calms him.

"I'm sorry.. I took it out on you, didn't I?..." He looks up at me.

"Well.. Yes... But not badly. I didn't even notice for a while." I shrug. "Just don't anymore, okay? Jimin still loves you. You're practically brothers. He talks about you the same amount as he talks about Yoongi and he's infatuated with Yoongi."

"How's he coping? Being around him but not... You know..." The werewolf furrows his brow and purses his lips, clearly worried about his friend.

"Honestly?.. Not well..." I sigh and look out of the window. "Oh great.. Jieun is back with another nosebleed. Just stick some tissue up there for crying out loud!"

Jungkook laughs and that makes me smile. Hopefully, we won't be awkward around each other for much longer.

"Thank you, Laila. Really." The werewolf smiles awkwardly.

I nod back and run to Glanis House. "Yes, Jieun, I see the blood!"


Kim Namjoon

We sit in silence. Mrs Ricolli left a while ago and since, neither of us has exchanged a word or a glance.

"You feel better? Talking about it?.." I chew on my lip, not knowing if that was a sufficient amount of time to leave it.

Yoongi nods, curling his legs closer to his chest.

"You could have told me; I wouldn't have judged you..."

"I don't let anyone in, Joon. You know that." Yoongi stiffens slightly.

"But that's not true, is it? You don't want to let anyone else in." I raise my eyebrows slightly and Yoongi looks away. "You let Jimin in and he left you to deal with it alone."

"It wasn't his fault!" He's glaring at me now, a low growl coming up from his throat.

"I didn't say it was. I just said that he left you." I shuffle closer and sling an arm around his shoulders.

His eyes well up again and I pull him into a hug, slightly awkward considering we're sitting next to each other, but it's the thought that counts, I guess.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I keeping holding him, letting him cry.

"N-No.. It's okay." He clears his throat and pushes away from me.

"Yoongi, you don't need to block me out."

"I don't want to burden you, and you don't owe me anything..." He leans his chin on his knees.

"So? You're family to me, man. I'm here to help, listen, punch someone, whatever you need." I nudge his arm and he chuckles slightly.

"You mean that? I'm family?.." He looks at me sincerely and for the first time, I don't see a thick-skinned demon who trusts no one, or a heart-stricken fool who can't get over his first love. I just see a kid. And he's lonely.

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