Chapter Seventeen: Elucidation

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Kim Taehyung

"Shut the fuck up. Stay away from her. And stay away from me."

I can't get the words out of my head. Everything keeps spinning around and it's like when you have all the clues to a puzzle, but you can't find the right order.

"It's okay, Jungkook. You're safe now, it's just a nightmare." I stroke behind his ears but he bats my hand away.

"I know I'm safe! I never doubt that I'm safe! I dream about putting other people in danger. I'm scared I might kill someone again!" He sobs into his pillow and I blink, shocked, but start stroking his hair again.

"Okay, truth." Brynn shrugs.

"Ugh, you're so boring! Fine... What's your biggest fear?" I nudge her playfully as I take another swig of beer.

"Wolves.." She shudders and takes the beer from my hands.

"Really? How come?" I frown.

"I can't really remember... It used to feel like they followed me, but everyone said I was crazy and I started going to therapy. I've had this phobia of them ever since. It's why Mr Grand loves my drawings of wolves. He says they always have the best stories..."

"Is it true?.. Did he kill someone?" I ask Jimin who leans against Vinder's brick wall.

"No one really knows.. He came back from his first full moon covered in blood. Not his, a witch's. He doesn't remember anything, of course, you know how full moons are. But it's likely that whoever that witch was.. They died... He was barely thirteen. It definitely left a scar."

"Oh my god, that's gross! Ew!" Freddie pushes Brynn out of the girl's changing rooms, pulling her shirt back down over herself.

"I swear, I'm gonna kill her!" I glare, running up to my best friend.

"It's fine. I'm okay.." Brynn forces a smile.

"Clough! Are you 13 or 5?! Get changed!" The teacher yells.

"What are they laughing at?.." I ask worriedly.

"Oh, I have a scar... Right here." She places a hand on her side. Remember when I had pneumonia? Well, apparently they weren't all hallucinations..." She shrugs and walks back into the girl's changing room.

I place the frame of me and Brynn on the wall and smile happily. My half of the room is complete.

"Do you draw?.." My new roommate hops into his bed.

"No, why?.." I frown.

"You've got a sketchbook there, that's all." Jungkook shrugs.

"Oh! No, that's Brynn's. You wanna see? She's really good." I grin, picking it up and flicking through the pages with my thumb.

"Brynn is your human friend, right?" Jungkook frowns, hesitantly.

"I.. Yeah... But she's really nice! Human's aren't that bad, Jungkook.."

The werewolf shrugs and takes the book from my hands. "They have some good creations, I'll give them that." He stops on an ink drawing of a wolf. The fur is black with warmer brown patches, but the eyes are a bright amber. He blinks at it.

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