Chapter Seven: Reunion

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Park Jimin

I sit on the sofa, with my legs over Yoongi's lap so my knees bend over him. My back leans against the sofa's armrest and I watch Laila who is next to Yoongi. She whispers jokes into Jin's ear as he struggles to concentrate on his homework, and they both end up giggling together. Namjoon is running his hands through Etney's hair as he holds the book they both read. They look at each other at the end of every page and smile before Etney turns the page and cuddles closer into his arm. Jungkook, Taehyung and Brynn sit on the floor playing a magick board game. Jungkook gets frustrated, his competitive nature causing him to constantly throw cushions at the other two when he loses a round and giggle cheekily when he wins one.

I grin. Everything feels how it should be.

Yoongi looks up from his page of notes and sees me smiling. I blush slightly and look away but he intertwines our fingers and squeezes my hand. "I'm glad you're happy, baby."

I sigh and lean into his arm, cuddling it to my chest. "Honestly, I feel like this is too good to be true... It feels like last time. When there was a calm before the storm, you know?"

He takes a deep breath in and lets it out again. "I know.. I've been worried about that too. But there's nothing we can do except be ready for if that happens." He strokes my cheek and I lean my head into his hand. "Whatever happens, being with you is worth it. The past five years have been hell. They can't make me feel any worse than I already have done."

I look down, knowing it's my fault any of that happened in the first place. "I'm so-"

"No. We said no apologies, remember?" Yoongi chides, bopping my nose.

"I know, bu-"

"Nope." He smiles. "I'm not letting you."

I smile but still open my mouth, ready to attempt yet another apology. Instead, I'm met with his lips on my own and his hand on the back of my neck. I feel my body immediately melt into him, all the stresses and worries of my family or the Clanless dripping off me like raindrops on a waterproof jacket.

"We won't let it happen like last time, Chim Chim. I've grown up, I can take whatever your dad throws at me. And Mihi's supporting us now, too. You're imagining the worst, and that's okay, but we know better now. We're in a way better position than we were three years ago." Yoongi strokes my hair and kisses me again softly.


Five years ago

"Hi, Mrs Ricolli. How's business today?" I ask nervously.

"A little slow, dear. He hasn't stopped by." She smiles sympathetically.

I purse my lips and try to hold back tears. He's not coming, is he?

"Did something happen?" She frowns, leaning forward onto the desk. 

My eyes fill up with tears and I can no longer hold them in, letting them finally fall. I cover my face with my hands and crouch to the floor. I had hoped so hard that Yoongi would keep coming. We used to joke that we'd always come here every Tuesday and that if we ever managed to move away, we'd have to find a new florist to go to once a week. I had hoped that he'd stick to that even though I was grounded. Technically, I still am, but my mother took pity on me, and my dad is out of town for the weekend. Although, my mum thinks I'm at Jungkook's... He's covering for me, even though he doesn't know what for. He's a great friend. But even after all of that, Yoongi isn't here."M-Mrs Ricolli.. You haven't happened to see Yoongi around town at all, have you?" What if my dad came back one night after I was asleep, or went to Yoongi's before work, or something? What if he decided to kill him anyway?

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