Chapter Twenty - Confinement

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Park Jimin

I hear the door creak open and stay exactly where I am. My arms are still firmly crossed over my chest. My legs are still neatly tucked underneath myself. My face is still inches from the wall.

"Jimin, this is childish." My father sighs, sinking next to me on the bed.

"Says the man who locks his problems away so they can't trouble him. Even when the problem is his own fucking son." I chuckle darkly. "What am I saying?.. You're no father to me. I barely know you."

"Do not talk to me like that." He snaps.

I clench my jaw determinedly. If he insists.

"I need you to sign it, Jimin."

I don't reply.

"I'll let you go as soon as you do."

I still don't reply.

"You'd really go through all this for him?." He snaps.

Making him hate me was hell. This is nothing. I continue to glare at the wall.

"Jimin, I locked you in here because you refused to obey me. I'm forcing nutrients down you because you refused to eat or drink." He flicks the plastic tube to my right. "I get them to hose you down because you refused to clean yourself. Do you really think there will be anything you can do to get me to change my mind?"

I say nothing. But the tear that escapes my eye and drips down the centre of my cheek speaks volumes.

"How is he worth this, Jimin?."

He's getting annoyed. I don't care.

"How is a lowlife demon worth you ruining your future?." He roughly spins me round to face him.

I blink and turn back to the wall.

"Park Jimin!"

I don't reply.

"I will kill him. Do you realise that?. I will fucking destroy him."

I blink again, counting the flecks of my father's spit on the white paint of my wall.

He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me off the bed, crouching in front of me. I wonder why it took me so long to see him for what he truly is.

I continue to look straight ahead, trying not to react to anything.

"Oh for fuck's sake. Is this the next one?? You refuse to talk?!"

I look up and smile sweetly at him before getting to my feet and climbing back into my previous position of glaring at the wall.

"I am your father, and you will do as I say." He's almost at breaking point.

He's never stayed this long. Usually, if I'm not acting how he wants, he'll just slam the door on me and try again in the next day or two. If I'm completely honest, I'm a little scared. But whenever I want to flinch or tremble or sob into my hands, I think of Yoongi and everything he's had to go through. That gives me strength. Knowing that this is the one way I have left to fight back for Yoongi gives me strength. Knowing that the longer I refuse to obey my father is longer that Yoongi stays alive gives me strength.

"Jimin, you give me no choice. You refuse to obey, I lock you up. You refuse to eat, I force-feed you. You refuse to bathe, I hose you down. If you continue to refuse to speak, I'll make you scream."

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