Chapter Sixteen - Recurrence

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Kim Taehyung

My grin grows wider the longer I watch. Is it perfect? Well, no. Yoongi is in prison, Nova is god knows where, Jimin is growing ever more 'angsty' as if with the demon gone someone else must take his sullen self. But it's the most normal I've had in months. Namjoon sits on a wall just under his hip height and Etney stands in-between his legs with her back to his chest, tracing patterns on the back of his hand as his chin sits contentedly on her shoulder. Jin has his arms wrapped around Laila's waist as he chatters away to Brynn, both attempting to cheer Jimin up as best they can. Jin attempts in his own way, presumably an incredibly bad joke, and earns a kiss on the cheek from his girlfriend. He also gets a punch on each arm from the other two and then proceeds to lecture them on having respect for their elders. That produces a giggle from the faerie and Brynn begins to gently slap Jin's shoulder, Jimin laughing more every time.

Jungkook chuckles as he observes the quaint scene. I nudge his arm and fall into step with him. "Happy to be back?" He beams at me.

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me stay with you for the past few months, Kook. It meant a lot... I know Jimin's the same and I'm sure Brynn was deep down when she left." I look down, not sure what to say. I don't know if they wanted whatever period of their relationship that was brought up again.

"It's cool." Jungkook shrugs. "We're wolves.. There's that whole pack loyalty thing. You three are part of my pack so even if you're not blood my dad counts you as part of the Jeon Clan. That's just who they are, I guess. My family, I mean." He smiles. "Why, did you think just because Pharaway's reopened, you can escape from us that easily? Mum's already expecting you over as soon as we go on break." The werewolf chuckles and looks back at Brynn and Jimin who now take turns poking Jin so as soon as he turns to yell at one he is distracted by the other, Laila just watching on and giggling.

I think of no more lonely holidays stuck at Pharaway alone and I smile. "Pack really is family, huh?"

"Of course." Jungkook nods matter-of-factly.

"And that doesn't feel remotely incestuous to you?" I smirk slightly.

"Why would it?" He looks at me frowning innocently.

I blink at him and then Brynn and back again but he continues not to understand so I just shrug and leave it. Nova would get it. "Hey, Kook. Can I ask you something?"


"Why Brynn? What's so different about her?" I bite the side of my lip, pondering.

"Is this a test? A big brother sort of thing?" He frowns.

"No! This is me asking for.. I dunno... Not advice... Confirmation?" I shrug, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Jungkook nods, thinking hard for a moment before sighing. "Have you ever found someone who just changes all your priorities? Like every decision you've ever made until that point suddenly seems meaningless. Now, the first thing you think is if they'll be safe. Everything becomes about them, everything reminds you of them, you're constantly missing them when they're not with you... That kind of thing."

"But isn't a lot of that pack stuff?"

He chuckles and nods slightly. "I thought so at first, too. It confused me a lot, to be honest. But, no. This feels different. You make decisions for a pack. It's like I make decisions because of her. That doesn't even make sense... I don't know..." He shakes his head, doubting himself.

"No... No, I think I know what you mean..." I smile, "Thanks."

He nods. "Anytime... You think you've felt like that before?"

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