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Okay, so...

My past few weeks have been very complicated and I'm not going to get into the irrelevant parts, but basically my laptop died with the entire plan for Hanes' ending. That means the basis of around 15 chapters was lost. Seeing as most of my chapters are around 2,000 words minimum, this was a huge thing. I honestly was not sure if I was going to be able to continue this... BUT! Somehow it came back into my head earlier today. I furiously typed it into my phone to the point that my thumbs were in serious pain. And although I don't have as much details as I originally did, I have something. I know roughly what I'm doing again.

I want to thank you for your patience with this book (I know it's long and I've taken quite a few random breaks without explaining it to you guys now) and I (J)hope you haven't lost interest in it by now.

If you're reading this, you're a beautiful person. As always, if you're not you are too but I just don't get to tell you.

Thanks again and I hope you love the ending as much as I do!!!!

I'm gonna start writing it now, so see you on the other side of a chapter, I guess.


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