Chapter Eleven: Union

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Min Yoongi

Five Years Ago

So... Roses? They smell good, right? Everyone wants rose scented stuff... Or jasmine, that's good too. Wait, is jasmine a flower or a herb? Are any of these even jasmines? Or jasmine flowers? I don't even know what they're called!

I pick up a random flower and hold it to my nose. Does that smell good? Or does it just smell like a plant? I haven't lived in the countryside long enough to tell the difference...

A boy pokes his head around the stand of flowers I'm looking at and I jump. "You seem lost..." He smiles, putting a hand on my arm. Why is he doing that? We don't know each other.

"Hi! Yeah.. Kinda..." I chuckle nervously and put the flower back where I found it. He smiles and his eyes turn into half moons. His hair is dark and pretty unstyled, just lying over his head like a coconut. It's sweet.

"Are you looking for something in particular?" He smiles politely.

"Do most people come in here knowing what they're gonna get?" My eyes widen in horror. Just how stupid do I look right now?

"Well, usually their wife or girlfriend tells them what to get, or they go for their favourite flower, I guess... What about you?.. Did your girlfriend not tell you?" The boy turns to look at me.

"I don't have a girlfriend.." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Boyfriend?" He blinks at me unashamedly.

"No.. Why?" I can't help the slight smirk that creeps its way onto my face.

"No reason..." The boy shrugs. "So who are you getting flowers for? Your mum?"

"No.." My smile immediately falls. I don't know what to call Hewa. She insists on me addressing her as Imo, but I don't know if I'm fully comfortable with that yet. But I guess she's the closest thing to family that I've ever had... Screw it. "My great aunt. I live with her."

"And what does your aunt like? Any favourite colours?" He grins, presumably happy to be finally getting somewhere.

"She uh.. She's blind... She just likes the smell..." I chew my lip awkwardly.

He laughs. Fucking laughs. Is he laughing at Imo being blind?. If so, he's a dick. But he seems a little too cute to be a dick. His eyes are half moons and his head falls back, letting his hair fall off his face slightly as he giggles. He has a nice laugh. And he looks fucking hot when he throws his head back like that. He calms down slightly and crosses his arms. "What's your name?"

"Yoongi.." I frown slightly, confused as to what relevance that has.

"Well, Yoongi. Why do you care what the flowers look like if she's blind?.." He raises his eyebrows slightly and I blink back at him. I don't know.

An hour of flower sniffing later, I think I have shoved enough petals into my nostrils for a lifetime. I thank the boy and walk over to the till. "I'm sorry for taking so long. Believe me, you'll be getting a great tip!"

He blinks and then bursts into laughter again. "I don't work here!"

I'm embarrassed for a second but then cock my head slightly. "Then why did you help me for an hour?.."

He clears his throat and looks away awkwardly. "Is that the time?! Must dash. See you around, Yoongi!"

With that, he darts out of the door and runs up the street. What the heck is this place?


I continue my usual routine, picking out a few of the flowers Hewa has commented on more often and making sure the scents mix together well. It's the fifth time I'm doing this now, so I have a system. I glance out of the window and freeze. Is that..? It is... Please be coming in here. Please come into the florists. He does. My heart's beating fast. Jesus, calm down.

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