Chapter Fourteen: Expirations

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Park Jimin

Four years ago

The bench is cold and hard on my skin. It's rough and it scratches. The whole world seems to see only the negative ever since it's door shut in Yoongi's face.

There are cameras now, all over the house. Including in my room and the bathroom. I'm always watched. I don't go to the florists on Tuesdays.

Jungkook runs up to me. "Hyung!"

"Hi.." I look away, not wanting to see how cheery the boy is.

"Jimin?.. What's wrong?.." He frowns and goes to sit on the bench next to me but I glare at him and he stops. "Are you still annoyed that you're grounded?"

"Hasn't it been almost exactly three years, Jungkook?." I snap.

"What?" He frowns, confused.

"Since you killed someone." I purse my lips, wanting him to leave. But I can't tell him why.

"I-I didn't.. Jimin, you know I didn't!" He has tears in his eyes.

"How?. You can't remember anything." I grit my teeth and look away, already slightly guilty.

"N-No one remembers their f-full moons. I couldn't-... I would never-... I can't have-..." He runs into the woods, sobbing.

"That was mean..." Yoongi mumbles.

"Shut up." I snap at the shadows. "You shouldn't be here..."

"You're my world, Jimin, I have to be here... I'll only leave if you want me to, and I know you don't." I purse my lips, knowing he's right. I need to come up with something better.

"Did your panic attacks start again?" I mumble.

"... No."




"I want you to leave."

"No you don't." He chuckles in the darkness of my room

"I do!" I grit my teeth, I have to get him to believe me.

"You're just saying that, like always."

"I'm not! Don't you ever think that maybe I keep saying it because I've changed my mind?"

"Why?" He challenges me. It's okay. I've prepared for this. Breathe, Jimin.

"Because I hate you. You ruined my life." I love you and I'm doing this to save you.

"You don't really think that."

"I do. Before I met you I was happy. Now, I'm basically in a jail at my own home, my parents both hate me, I've ruined my relationship with my best friend, and will never get the past two years back. It's all your fault." I don't believe any of it. The past two years have been the best of my life and everything bad that's happened has either been circumstantial, my father's fault or my own. None of it was you, Yoongi.

There's a pause, I think it might have worked. "I don't believe you."

"You infiltrated my head and made me think I loved you when I didn't. Probably some demon bullshit." Like I think that's a thing. "Now you're just a voice in my head reminding me of my past mistakes and making me regret them more every day. I regret you, Min Yoongi. You're an abomination. You shouldn't have even been created. I wish you'd never come into my life." I'm crying. Is he even going to believe it now?

"Chim Chim.."

I sniff. "Yes?"

"I met this guy yesterday.. Nam- something.. He's going to this magick school at the beginning of the next academic year. He said I should come too. He told me to think about it and that there's a bonfire in the woods tonight. If I want to go I should turn up and he'll help me get it all sorted out. I was gonna say no. Do you want me to say yes?"

I gulp. No. No, I want you to stay here with me. I need you here. It hurts when you're gone. Stay. I don't care if I'm being selfish. "Yes."

"You want me to leave?" He pushes himself out of the shadows and my lips part slightly.

"Yoongi, he'll see you!" I glare.

"Do you want me to leave?" He has tears in his eyes and I look away.


"No, look at me. Look me in the eye and tell me to go. Tell me you don't love me anymore." I want to kiss the tears away. I want to stroke his hair and tell him how precious he is. I want him to see how much he means to me and how much I respect and admire him.

"I-..." My eyes meet his and I bite my lip hard.

"Jimin!" My father's voice. He runs over and I can see the glint of his knife.

"I don't love you! I hate you. Please leave me alone."

The three of us pause. No one quite sure who should move first.

"Okay.." Yoongi speaks through gritted teeth. "I'll leave because I love you. And because I'll never stop. Please eat, Jimin. You haven't been eating properly.."

"Just go!" I sob, shaking now. Why is he doing this to me? He knows I'm making it up, why does he have to make this so hard?

"It's not your fault. Please don't ever think that. No matter what they tell you."

"Fine. Now leave." I'm surprised my dad is even letting it take this long, and I'm agitated that he'll snap any second.

"Can you do something for me?.. I'm going to Pharaway for you, so you don't have to see me anymore. So can you do something for me in return?"

"What?." I glare, still crying.

"I need you to go to the florists every Tuesday. I'll pay Mrs Ricolli so you won't need to worry about money."

"I never worry abou-"

"But I'm not your charity case."

I purse my lips but nod, telling him to carry on.

"I need you to go every Tuesday and pick out the nicest smelling bunch of flowers. And I need you to put them at my Ima's grave. Can you do that? Please..."

He's crying so much, he's shaking. I want to hold him. I want to comfort him. I want to kiss every tear until they're non-existent.

But I don't. Instead, I nod curtly.

And then I watch him disappear. 

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