Chapter Sixteen - Implications

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Min Yoongi

"Wow, you are really quite shit." I shake my head, smirking slightly.

"Yah! I'm trying." Ryong pouts, arms crossing over his chest.

"Yah? I'm five years older than you, kid. Respect your fucking hyung." I smack the back of his head lightly and he grumbles.

"Well then earn my respect by being a better teacher, hyung." He raises his eyebrows and looks at me defiantly.

"Jesus, are you sure you're related to sweet little Tae? You seem more like a Jeon to me..."

"You know a Jeon?" He gapes at me.

"Yeah, Kook's one of my best friends. He and Jimin have been friends pretty much from birth, so..." I shrug nonchalantly. I never understood the hype around the Jeon's. Yes, they're powerful and an incredibly ancient True Clan, but they're not royalty or anything, werewolves don't have one. So, they're one of the direct descendants from the original werewolves. One of! They're not the only Elder Clan..."

Ryong sits, mouth ajar. "Your friends sound so cool..."

"You realise that includes your brother, right?" I chuckle.

"Exactly.. All of them and my brother!" He grins cutely and I ruffle his hair.

"Come on, you have a lot to learn." I chide, but we both know I don't mean it. I've grown a bit of a weakness for this boy.

"Yes, sir!" He mock-salutes me and grins, listening intently.

"So, let's try something simpler. Hmm?" I sit down next to him and place a feather in my hand. "I want you to move this. With magick. Recite these words: Hefan voleteth." My eyes glaze into black and the feather leaps into the air, circling around our heads before landing back on my palm. "Your turn."

He gulps and nods, licking his lips nervously. "Hefan.. Voleteth."

The feather sits still, not even twitching.

"Hefan voleteth." He groans and turns away. "It's not gonna work!"

"You're trying too hard!" I sigh.

"So I should just not try?!" He knocks over a plastic cup and it clatters on the floor as he trudges to the other side of the room.

"Calm down." I raise my eyebrows pointedly. "Sit." Begrudgingly, he complies. "Don't just say the words. You have to picture it doing what you want. And then feel it. Feel the energy surging through your body and into the feather. Okay?"

He grits his teeth determinedly and nods. "Just.. Feel it." He sighs and looks at the feather intently. "Hefan voleteth. Hefan. Voleteth. Hefan Voleteth." Without warning, it slips over out of my hand and onto the table.

"Yes! Well done." I grin proudly.

"But that was shit..." His shoulders fall, even more disheartened.

"Ryong, you're learning stuff I've known for like four or five years, of course, I'm going to be better at it than you. Anything is something and that's a great place to start!" I pat his shoulder comfortingly. "Practice and come back to me, okay?"

He nods and huffs before taking the feather and trading off to his own room.

Hoon knocks on the open door, sticking his head through. "Yoongi? Someone said you wanted to see me."

"Yeah. I have a question." I bite my lip nervously. "You can't tell anyone anything about what I say, though."

He frowns and nods, shutting the door behind him.


"Well, of course, they'd want him gone." Hoon chuckles shaking his head. "And if they couldn't kill him then, yes, I'd think it likely that they'd lie. If they told the world he was dead, then no one would come looking for him. Meanwhile, stick him in a prison that doesn't allow magick and let him grow old and die. It's perfect, to be honest."

"But who? Why?" I frown again, still not getting it.

"Everyone. The clanless, the Theasphreyei's, even the Kalamani. Hybrids aren't often welcomed." The Kalama shakes his head in disdain.

"But the future faerie queen is a hybrid. Half-faerie, half-dryad." I run a hand through my hair, pulling slightly.

"A well informed decision with plentiful research that benefited both parties. Fay, Kalamani, Dryads and Naiads are the four elemental fay. We knew that this meant that we all share some common DNA. But this boy is a threat because he implies that demons are a fifth elemental fay. I'm sure that by now you know that the word 'demon' actually came from 'daimon'. That it originally meant half man until negative connotations were attached to it."

"Of course." I nod in confirmation.

"Well, does that mean that all the fay are is a type of half man and half something else? Does that mean that there are no supernatural beings that are not somehow distantly related to man? Does that mean that all the countless deaths and the blood that was spilt over separating man from supernatural were for nothing? It would explain a lot, of course. It would explain why hybrids are even possible - in the animal kingdom, different species can't often breed together. It would explain how we all have a similar image. That child implies that we all share some vague genetics and nobody wants that." Hoon shrugs, sitting next to me on my bed.

"But his very existence could bring peace!" I sigh exasperatedly.

"Exactly." The Kalama chuckles darkly. "Peace is bad for business."


So after all that people basically don't want to be anything remotely close to human. Honestly, I relate.

How was your day today?! Comment something that made you smile, because the angst isn't going away from here for CHAPTERS and chapters, and I want to smile a little. PLEASE?? ty <3 xx

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