Chapter Five - Paradoxical

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Min Yoongi

My fingers fly from one key to the next, seemingly without my brain having any say; the piano and my hands have their own relationship that I rarely get in the middle of. I hear a very distinctive laugh but ignore it, letting my fingers continue on as they please.

"Ha! I told I could catch it, Kook." Jimin's giggle creeps through the glass of the window and I clench my jaw, refusing to let him in. Not here too. We grew up on the same street and I couldn't help that, there's only one good magick institute in the area so that can't be helped. But not my practise room. Not my safe space. Hell no.

My fingers fumble slightly but regain their footing, building up to the climax of the piece.

He laughs.

My eyes flick up, just for a second. But it's long enough to see him. Long enough to see the light making his orange hair glow and his eyes twinkle amber.

And long enough to lose concentration. My finger jabs at an A flat that really was not anywhere near in the right key let alone the right note. I growl in frustration and slam the piano lid shut, the strings clanging harrowingly. I immediately regret the action.

Jimin's head turns in astonishment and his eyes meet mine. I gulp down a stone that decided to form itself in my throat and stop me from breathing. He looks to the piano and back to me. I'm waiting for a smirk or a sneer, or some kind of gesture to show that I'm nothing but an abomination in his eyes. But nothing comes. He flies away.

I blink at the empty window. I'm not crying. I'm not that weak. He doesn't have that much power over me. I don't cling to the edge of the piano and sob into it. I don't press my head onto the damp wood so hard it hurts. I don't wish I was a different species. I don't sit there motionless until it gets dark and I don't trudge back to Vinder past curfew, feet dragging behind me. I do wonder how the hell I'm going to get through the next three years of my life. You can't leave Pharaway until you've studied for five years at least. Namjoon wanted us all to aim for at least seven. I doubt I'll survive my third.


Park Jimin

"What? Why not? You liked playing frisbee with me last week.." Jungkook pouts.

"Oh my god, you are a dog!" Taehyung jests, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Woof." Jungkook glares. "Jimin.. Play... Please?"

"I'm not in the mood today.." I shrug, looking up to the window I did not see Yoongi in a week ago.

"How come? Is something wrong?" Jungkook frowns.

"No, I just don't want to play your stupid games, Jungkook!" I glare, shouting at him harshly. I'm such a dick.

He flinches slightly but pretends not to be hurt, just nodding and shoving his hands into his pockets. "Right.. Sorry..."

I clench my jaw. He really has nothing to apologise for but I refuse to admit I'm in the wrong. I can't. My whole world will crash on top of me and I'll suffocate. I can already feel it losing stability.

"I can play with you, Kook.." Tae offers. He's so sweet. I don't know how we got so lucky to have him in our little group.

"S'cool.. Not really in the mood anymore..." Jungkook shrugs.

"Oh stop sulking and go find a bitch in heat." I scowl. No, I can't have actually said that.

"Jimin.." Taehyung looks at me, shocked.

"Maybe I will." Jungkook growls lowly. "I get that you're going through a tough time, but you need to find a better place let it out than your friends. Okay?. I'm not gonna take it for much longer, Jimin."

"Is that a threat?" I laugh, not meeting his eye. I don't mean this. I don't mean any of it. I hate myself for saying this.

"It's a promise. Get a grip." I hear Jungkook's receding footsteps and ignore the pang of guilt in my chest.

Taehyung puts a hand on my shoulder but I shake it off.

"I'm here.. If you need to talk..." The faerie waits for a while but I glare determinedly at the wall and he sighs before presumably walking back to Vinder.

It's late afternoon. I can hear a familiar melody snaking down the drainpipes and dripping onto the ground next to me. I've heard it too many times to forget who it belongs to.

I storm into the building. I should stop. I should just turn around and go back to the dorms and sob into Laila's arms about how utterly shit a friend I am, but I can't seem to stop my legs. I'm running now, taking the stairs two at a time. I get to the third floor and throw the door open, looking down the hallway, following the music.

It's his fault.

A tear rolls down my cheek but I ignore it.

Stop. Just turn back now and no one will ever know you even thought about confronting him.

My grip tightens around a metal handle and I pull the door open with a slam as it hits the wall to my left.

Yoongi jumps, head spinning round to face me.

"Jimin!.. Hi..."

He looks nervous. The fucking arsehole. How dare he be nervous. Like I could remotely take him in a million years.

"I hate you." I spit, fury radiating outwards at every angle.

"I-I know.." He grits his teeth, looking away.

"Good. Remember that."

"I never forgot..." Yoongi turns back around to face the piano and it leaves me confused at what to do.

"I.. I hate you."

"You've said that one already.. Try 'you disgust me', that's normally what comes next. Or that I'm an abomination.."

He's not even looking at me. He's just making a note on the manuscript in front of him.

"I hate you so much it hurts."

His back straightens slightly and he turns. "That one's new.."

I clench my jaw. "I can't take being anywhere near you."

He blinks and turns around fully. "Chim.. Take a seat..."

"It fucking hurts, Min!"

He flinches slightly but nods. "Sit down.."

I gulp. I should have gone back. I can't take this. I want to hit him.


"I'll play you something.."

My eyes flick to the piano and back to the demon sitting at it.

"I hate you."

"I know..."

I don't sit down, my legs just collapse. I don't willingly sit there. His music doesn't make me cry. I hate him.

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