Chapter Ten - Institution

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Kai Finton

Ten Years Ago

"So! How were your last few months before Pharaway?" Hoon grins at me. Hoon and I are old family friends. We met at a Kalamani festival when we were tiny and have been thick as thieves ever since. His parents even took Mishal and me in for a while after our parents died.

"Oh, you know. The usual... Almost got sacrificed by some dark mage's sixteen year old kid, saved the boy who then took me to an incredibly hot angel, was healed by said angel, took the boy back to my brother, helped him find a witch family to take the kid in and then went back and screwed the angel..." I shrug. "Pretty uneventful."

Hoon shakes his head, chuckling. "You're ridiculous."

"What? It's true!" I pout.

"Shut up, Kai. You are such a virgin." He laughs. "There's no way you just casually fucked an angel."

"Oh, I see. You're jealous." I wiggle my eyebrows and fold my arms around his shoulders.

"Dude, I love you, but ew. Even if you weren't practically my brother, I am so straight." He chuckles, shoving me off.

"Mm, I know. Damn shame." I smack him on the butt with a cheeky wink and the dodge the punch he throws at me, grinning.

"Yah! I swear if you do that again, I will incinerate you." He tries to be threatening but he knows I won't take it seriously with the grin plastered over his face. "Do you know what house you're in yet?"

"No, but I'm guessing Ollox. That's what my brother was in. You?" I readjust the bag on my shoulder.

"No clue. I want to be roommates, though. So, I guess I'm hoping for Ollox too..." He shrugs.

I grin as we reach the top of the hill. "It's just how I pictured it..."

The red-bricked buildings tower just as high as the trees in the surrounding forest. Ivy creeps up them and coils around drain pipes. Faeries fly around, chattering excitedly with the buzz of a new year as dryads play tag amongst the trees.

"Come on, I think we register at Glanis." Hoon pulls me over to the square tower in the very centre of the campus. I watch other first years animatedly giggling as they put on their new house jewellery. We reach a desk and I look down at the shining metal on the table, distracted.

"Hi, I'm Lee Hoon." My friend greets whoever is in charge of assigning us to our houses.

"Hi, welcome to Pharaway I'm Jung Hoseok." Wait a minute.

"This is-" My friend starts.

"Hobi?" I gape at him and his shocked expression clearly shows he didn't know we'd be meeting here either.

"Kai!..." We stare at each other in silence, neither knowing what to say.

"Hobi.." Hoon smirks.

"The uh.." I clear my throat awkwardly. "Hoon, this is the angel I was telling you about..."

"The one you-?!" I hit him hard in the stomach and he coughs, trying to regain his breath.

"You don't need to shout it to the world, for fuck's sake." I purse my lips.

"I am so screwed..." Hoseok blinks at me.

"I mean you were." I smirk and the angel groans, covering his face with his hands.

"What? So, we fucked. Oh well. I'm sure loads of students fuck, it's a small world. So what year are you?" I smile, attempting to make friendly conversation in hopes of easing the awkwardness.

"Uh.. I um..." The angel clears his throat.

"Mr Jung!" An elderly woman pats him on the shoulder.

He squeaks, jumping slightly. "Yes!"

She jolts, taken aback. "I was just going to offer to take over. There are some delicious cakes in the teacher's lounge, I'd recommend popping in on your way."

"T-Teacher's.." I gape at them. Hoon bursts into laughter and starts hitting his thigh. I gulp and stare at Hobi.

"I think I should definitely get going, yes." He looks away from me, panicked.


"Ollox!" He calls out, turning back to me. I jump, startled by his outburst.

"What?" I frown.

"You're both in Ollox. And I'm guessing you want to be roommates, hmm? Here are your rings, and keys to the same dorm. Welcome to Pharaway. Off you go, now!" He shoves the appropriate items into our hands and Hoon starts pissing himself with laughter again. I purse my lips and thwack the back of his head before jogging after the angel.

"Hobi, I-"

"No. Definitely not."


"I am Mr Jung to you. Possibly Hoseok if the situation allows, but you cannot call me Hobi here. Is that clear?" He glares at me.

"But.. I just-"

He looks over his shoulder and pulls me into an alleyway. "I would get fired. Do you realise that? If anyone finds out we-... You know... Did that... I'd be kicked out!"

He looks genuinely scared and I immediately feel bad. "I won't tell anyone."

"And your friend?. And did you tell anyone else?."


"Are you sure?."

"Yes! Don't worry, I'll keep your damn secret." I look away, scowling slightly. "We probably won't even have any classes together."


"So what classes do you have? Are our timetables similar?" Hoon beams, rushing me out of breakfast.

"Dude, it's way too early for your amount of excitement." I groan.

"Come on, don't you want to know?" Hoon pouts and I sigh, pulling out the sheet of paper.

"Okay. Monday. Monday..." I frown, looking down the list. "So 'Caring' first thing. No clue what that is. Then a double period of Kalamani history, great. A single of flying, and then a double of 'Fire Casting'. Sounds a breeze, to be honest." I shrug.

"Caring's in Glanis House, right?" Hoon smirks slightly.

"I think so, why?" I frown.

"Oh, no reason." He shrugs, walking slightly ahead.

"Yah. What is it?" I jog to catch up.

"We should hurry up, we're gonna be late." He giggles.

"What are you talking about? We're still fifteen minutes early." I roll my eyes but follow him all the same.

"Race you to the classroom." He winks and begins to run up the steps. I purse my lips at his head-start but run close behind him all the same. For some reason, he slowed slightly and I take it as my chance, darting past him and crashing into the room.

"Hi, are you here for Caring?" An angel looks up from his desk.

"Oh fuck." I stare at Hoseok.

"Shit." He agrees.

The Hanes Enigmaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें