Chapter Eight: Mine

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Jeon Jungkook

My entire body aches. I've never woken up after a full moon feeling quite as bad as this. I don't remember anything, which is normal. But what is unusual is the time I first forget. The last thing I can picture is being in the common room at maybe 5 or 6pm. Not due to turn for over an hour. As my mind runs through as much as I can remember I picture Brynn. She's at Pharaway. Finally.

That small fact gives me more determination to pick myself up from the twigs and leaves of the forest floor. I feel dried blood everywhere. It sticks to my skin and is matted into my hair. What the hell happened? Was it the Kong's? Likely... I wonder if Yoongi ever made it to my dad's pack. If they're now worried about me. I brush off as many damp leaves as I can and trudge toward the smell of Vinder. Home.

Before I even get four step further, however, I cling onto a tree. I can feel bile rising up my throat and, sure enough, in seconds, I'm throwing up. It's a mixture of ramyeon and some purple stuff that looks utterly disgusting. What did I eat?...

Shaking myself out of it, I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand and stumble onwards. On the outskirts of the woods, I smell something familiar. Then I hear it. Two voices? No, three.

"He doesn't need a welcome party, Brynn. He does this every month.." Taehyung.

"Well I was going to wait in Vinder but then you told me he wouldn't have clothes!" The witch snaps. I smile. She's worried about me. Why does that make me smile?

"What, you thought they morphed into his fur and back?" Jimin laughs. "Maybe you just want to see Kookie naked." I can imagine him wiggling his eyebrows and it makes me chuckle.

"It's like -3°C!!" She huffs.

"And so you brought him a tracksuit?.." Taehyung giggles too. "You so wanted to see him naked."

"Oh shut up, the both of you!" I can see them now, I can just about make out the blush brightening her cheeks a shade of red.

I run. My feet probably begin to bleed but I don't care. She woke up at like 4am just to give me a tracksuit! Or see me naked, I honestly don't care. 




"Jungkook!" Jimin grins, waving happily. "Oh wow, you've been working out.."

Brynn runs up to me and cups my cheeks in her tiny hands. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did anyone else fight you? Are you still bleeding? Is all of the wolfsbane out? Why is there a twig in your hair? Do you-"

"Kind of, yes, yes, no, maybe? And I was trying it out; thought it looked cool..." I grin lazily. "Did you really wake up early to see me naked?"

"I've already seen you naked, Jungkook. You insisted on flashing everyone in the library, remember?." She snaps, but I can see the blush creeping up her cheeks again. She let's go of my face and holds me a tracksuit that she takes from a bag, now cutely covering her eyes so she doesn't see anything.

I laugh at her but get dressed all the same, honestly very grateful for something to combat the bite of the freezing morning air, and vaguely worried about how she has my tracksuit... She's been in my room?

"So.. What happened last night? I don't remember anything after Brynn arrived..." I zip the jacket up and pull Brynn's hand away from her face before hugging her tightly. "Welcome to Phalaway, by the way."

"Jungkook you smell like blood, I'm gonna gag..." She pushes me away which kind of breaks my heart a little but she does remove the twig from my hair and bop my nose which I act very offended to but honestly don't mind a bit.

"Well.. You passed out in front of everyone and we took you up to Jimin's room while Yoongi ran off. You were literally white and sweating buckets, Yoongi finally rang and we started treating you like you'd inhaled the stuff-"

"I didn't?.." I frown, now being passed a pair of socks and some timberlands. I laugh at how adorable Brynn is but she raises her eyebrows and pushes them into my stomach. I comply and sit on a log to pull them on.

"No, Brynn realised you wouldn't be overdosing if it was just a bunch of flowers tucked away in your room. You just would've been ill. Not dying." Taehyung continues, ignoring mine and Brynn's silent conversation. 


Shut up!

"So, then your dad told us we had to magick it out of you and so Brynn did that too." Jimin adds, bumping her playfully.

She just blushes and shrugs before beginning the relatively short walk back to Vinder. We all follow and I jog to catch up with her.

"You saved my life?" I'm suddenly serious.

"So they tell me..." She mumbles.

"Twice! She was so badass! So you chased us when you turned and Jimin had the bright idea to lead us all outside and then flew off leaving Brynn stranded. So obviously I stayed with her but then you charged at us and I ran expecting her to come too but because of her phobia of wolves-"

"Her what?." I glare at Taehyung.

"Her phobia...? She's terrified of wolves. Has been since we were kids..." The faerie shrugs.

"And you didn't think about telling me that before I started messing with her in the library?!" I yell.

"It's okay. I've forgiven you..." She shrugs and smiles at me.

"Did I hurt you?. As a wolf, did I hurt you?." I snap. I can't have hurt someone else. Not again.

"No! Not at all! You were really sweet, actually. Kinda weird... You basically started taking my clothes off, which was odd, I'm not gonna lie. But then you were sweet! And you protected me from these two other wolves... I hope they're okay..." She frowns and looks back towards the woods as if she'd remotely recognise them even if she did see them on the off-chance.

"Yeah! And then they were totally winning because the wolfsbane had made you so weak, and they were genuinely about to kill you. One of them was like properly ripping your neck off. And then Brynn just scoops up the purple stuff you'd thrown up and shoves it straight into a bite wound you'd left on one of the wolves. And this girl is terrified of wolves! Like, she really can't stand them. Not even just pictures!"

"Yeah, I got that, thanks." I grit my teeth.

"Except for you, Kook.. I'm not scared of you anymore." She beams up at me and I gulp. 


Please, stop with that. Jesus.

"So you saved me twice..." I stop at the door to Vinder and turn to the witch.

"I guess... I owed you anyway..." She shrugs.

"For what?"

"Hugging me... When I needed it..."

"I think giving a crying girl a hug and saving someone's life twice in one night is a little different, Brynn."

"You would have done the same! I know you would." She stares into my eyes and I can't deny that I would have. No. Don't even say it. 



"Thank you." I look at her sincerely and she nods, keeping eye contact for what seems like forever and nowhere near long enough.

"Now, please shower. You smell grim." She grins, pushing me through the door and into the building.

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