Chapter Three: Regret

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Min Yoongi

The common room is loud. I want to be in my room but Namjoon insisted that we all come downstairs. Having forced me to come with him he now has his arms wrapped around Etney and they're napping on the sofa. Leaving me to fend for myself as people come to congratulate me on my recovery or ask about how I knew that demon was going to try to kill Jimin. Every time a new person comes up to me I can feel my chest tighten. I hate people. I want to be alone.

"So you really just knew?" A vampyre sniggers with her Kalama friend. "I find that hard to believe. I think you were in on it."

"Okay." I purse my lips and look away, hoping they get that I'm not in the mood for a chat. They don't.

"I think you wanted to be praised and treated like a hero." The Kalama snarls at me. She's so close to my face that I can feel droplets of saliva hitting my skin.

"He's socially awkward as hell. Why the fuck would he want people approaching him?." Jimin.

"Ha. Good one." The vampyre smirks, kicking my leg and making me growl automatically. She hisses back.

"Good holiday, Jimin?" The Kalama beams at the faerie.

I push them hard out of my way. I can't stay here. Not with Jimin. I need to go back to the safety of my room.

"Nice hair, hyung." Jimin mutters softly.

I freeze. He's not-.. He can't mean-...

I turn around, shocked and blinking. I look to my left and right but there are no other boys surrounding us apart from the unconscious warlock on the sofa.

"Th-Thanks..?" I clench my jaw tight at the stutter. Will I ever be able to play it cool?

The vampyre and Kalama laugh and I see Jimin glare at their backs. What the actual hell is happening?

"Th-Thanks, Jimin." The vampyre mocks.

Jimin rolls his eyes and clicks his fingers, sending a mute hex at the girl. Eyes wide, she opens her mouth but nothing comes out.

"Did you just hex her??" The Kalama glares.

"Why? Are you gonna tell on me?" He chuckles and then walks through them to stand in front of me. "You know I have way too much shit on both of you, right? I could get you suspended... The worst I'd get is two weeks detention. Run along." He folds his arms and smiles as the girls glare but do, in fact, walk to the other side of the room.

"Jimin.." I frown slightly as he turns to me.

"Oh don't worry, she'll be fine in a few minutes. It's only a little hex." He shrugs and smiles.

"No, I don't give a shit about that. What are you doing?"

Jimin blinks and cocks his head, confused. "I told you, I'm not gonna pretend to hate you anymore."

"Yeah, but there's a difference between not pretending to hate me and trying to be friends." I glare slightly. It breaks my heart but I know I need to. Jimin looks at the floor.

"Do you not want to be?.." He chews on the side of his lip slightly nervously.

I'm so confused. He hasn't been nervous around me for five years.

"No, Jimin. I think that's about the last thing I'd ever want." I'm bitter, I know. But I think that's a little understandable at this point. "Stop playing with me. Okay? I'm done."

"How am I playing with you??" Jimin glares now too.

"First you love me and you want to be with me, then you hate me and call me an abomination, then you kiss me and say you're sorry, but then you hate me again! Oh and then I save your fucking life and you come to look after me while I recover but then tell me that you don't want me but ask me to forgive you anyway which I do just to have you ignore me again. And now you want to be friends?" I didn't realise how loud I was. I forgot we were even in the common room. A tear falls down Jimin's face and I want to die. "Chim.." I try to reach for him but he steps back.

"No. It's fine, I get it. I'm sorry for what I did to you." He turns and runs upstairs toward the dorms.

I can feel the panic attack rising up my throat. Why the fuck did I just say that?. Everyone's staring at me.

"Yoongi... Why didn't you tell me?" Namjoon is sitting up now, staring at me too.

I scrunch my eyes shut and vanish, curling into my sheets and clinging onto the pillow. I don't know how long this one is going to last, I haven't felt this bad in a while.


Kim Namjoon

"It's okay, Joonie. No one expects you to be telepathic..." Etney chuckles, rubbing my arm gently. We're in her room now. She said Yoongi needed some time alone but after two hours of lingering eyes and whispered snippets of gossip I didn't want to stay there much longer.

"He's my best friend. I should have realised or something!" I shake my head, so frustrated with myself. How did I not see it? It makes so much sense now... The immediate hatred for no apparent reason. The way Yoongi never cared and would still watch him or look up whenever he laughed. It's so obvious now!

"He didn't tell you for a reason, Joon. You have to respect that and just be there for him now." Etney smiles comfortingly.

"I agree.." Laila awkwardly adds from the doorway.

"Hey, Laila.." I grimace at my girlfriend's roommate.

"You've heard about this morning's drama then?" Etney sighs.

"A little... I kind of knew already, though..." She shrugs.

"See?! Jimin told his best friend!" I groan and drop my head into my hands. Am I just a bad friend? Is that why Jin and Yoongi always keep stuff from me?

"Technically he didn't mean to tell me... I was practising my truth power thing and he said he'd be a guinea pig for me. And so I asked what was troubling him and he just kind of... Blurted it all out? He cried for hours once he'd told me..." Laila purses her lips and looks at her feet.

"Shit.." Etney sighs. "Why does Vinder always have so much drama?? I swear, Joon, you're about the only sane person in that house..."

I chuckle and nod. "You can say that again..."

"So.. Jin went to find you and Yoongi but I guess he'll just be finding Yoongi... We're kind of gathering everyone in the common room..." Laila smiles awkwardly then runs back outside, presumably to get the rest of 'everyone'.

"Don't blame yourself. This is nothing to do with you so you need to get over yourself and then be there when Yoongi needs his best friend. Okay?" I smile at Etney's blunt but loving words and nod.

"Thanks, baby. You always know what to say." I kiss her softly.

"I never know what to say! I just spout some comforting sounding words and hope it's in an order that makes sense." She grins, ever modest.

"Sure, babe. Whatever you say." I kiss her again, pulling her warmth closer and humming when her arms slide around my neck.

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