Chapter Seven - Assassin

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Kim Seokjin

"So this is Crenford..." I chuckle as Namjoon leads me down the road.

"Hmm?.. Yeah..." He glowers at the floor.

"Joon, you good?" I frown, turning to him. "I know moving is stressful, but-"

"I'm fine." He gives me a stern look and I sigh, nodding.

"Okay. Keep your secrets again... Look, Joon I've been thinking about what you said and I think you're right. The only way to get over learning dark magick might be learning other types of magick. So, maybe we could look into that institute you were tal-..." I gulp and Namjoon looks at me.

"Jin?" His brow furrows.

"My brother." I blink just down the road.

"What about him?" He follows my gaze toward a figure walking briskly towards us on the other side of the street.

"That's him." I gape even more.

"In Crenford? Why?" Namjoon ponders but immediately grabs my arm when I go to move. "Don't, Jin."

"No, it's okay! He's not like my father, he helped us escape back then!" I grin, holding his wrist and pulling him after me. "Seokmin!" I shout and stop in front of my older brother. "Hi."

"Seokjin..." He blinks and tilts his head. "You're alive."

"Of course.." I chuckle. "You thought I wasn't?"

"I thought father would have killed you." His brow furrows for a second before he shakes his head. "He's dead, by the way. I'm sure you're as pleased as I was."

I gape. "He-.. Oh... What happened?"

Seokmin pauses for a second before answering. "I killed him."

Namjoon and I both stiffen. That was unexpected to say the least.

"So.. How are you?" I attempt to change the topic.

"Fine." Seokmin lets out a long breath, clearly wanting to leave.

"This is Namjoon. My.. Friend." I look down. Normally I call him my brother, but that feels wrong in this situation. "Hyung, are you okay?"

"Fine. But busy. I need to go." With that, he walks off.

I frown after him worriedly. I'm sure something's up.

"Jin. Please tell me you noticed that." Namjoon mumbles, lips pursed.

"What?" I continue to watch my brother walking up from the street, black hoodie engulfing his relatively slender form.

"The blood on his hands."


My fists are clenched so tightly they're shaking. I keep thinking back to that day and I get so angry. If he'd just told me. If Namjoon had just been honest!

A light tap on the door. I'm sulking in Glanis as usual and I know only Laila would disturb me.

"Jinnie?" She pokes her head around the door and I smile; it's comforting to see her. "Don't hate me. Talk to each other!" She grimaces as she pushes Namjoon into the room and we both flinch at the sound of it slamming shut.


"She's mad because I'm sulking..." I explain.

Namjoon nods.


"You should have told me." I glare.

"You'd been through enough. I didn't want to get you involved." Namjoon glares back.

"But I could have helped, you idiot!" I groan, picking myself off the floor and walking over to him.

"You were so much worse at magick than me!" Namjoon rolls his eyes.

"Not black magick!" I retort, arms crossed over my chest.

"And there was no way in hell I'd let you dabble into that anymore!" Namjoon laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Fine. Then there were other ways." I defend myself, glaring intently.

"What? There was no way out! No one could have done anything!!" He groans.

"It was my brother who killed Mishal Finton! I could have said something. I don't know! I could have asked him to come clean. He would have!" I yell. I'd never told anybody about this. Am I ready to? It's only Namjoon...

"How do know that?" He frowns, slightly scared.

"Because he regretted it as soon as he did it." I nod triumphantly, feeling as though I'm winning some sort of silent argument.

"You can't be sure, Jin." He sighs.

"I can! I was there!" I growl, losing it for once. It feels good, but it quickly fades away as the voice behind us finally speaks.

"What?." I spin around to see Kai standing in the door-way and my gut clenches. He wasn't ever supposed to find that out.


So I know this is short, but I feel like it needed to be. 

And if this doesn't make sense in places, that's because I was literally falling asleep writing it - I don't know why!

Next chapter is real yoonmin. As in Jimin and Yoongi together and in person! I can't wait to write it...

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