Chapter Six - Kalamani Trial

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Min Yoongi

I fidget with the sleeve of the suit I'm borrowing from Kai's husband. It's a little big on me but better than the skinny jeans I would have been wearing otherwise.

"But I thought the trial was cancelled." Laila nibbles worriedly on her lip as she mutters to Hoseok, hoping I can't hear. "You know, because of Jimin being kidnapped..?"

"Apparently, he's been found." The elder replies.

"Apparently?" Laila frowns, unconvinced.

"Wouldn't he have gone straight to Yoongi?" Hoseok sighs. "Something doesn't feel right."

I pull my knees up to my chest and attempt to breathe through the panic as it begins to rise. I hate crowds.

"How are you doing?" Kai puts a comforting hand on my shoulder and I grimace in response. "You still haven't heard from Jimin?"

I shake my head, tears swelling. I have such a bad feeling about this.

"You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it."

As much as I wish I could believe the Kalama, I know Jimin's father. And somehow I know this is to do with him. His name is written all over it.


"So you followed him because he, and I quote, 'seemed shady'. That doesn't sound very plausible." General Enlil Cadman sneers at me.

"Well, Sir." I grit my teeth slightly from annoyance. "I'd say that lighting a load of fireworks directly over a crowd of people and then running into the shadows after an evacuation had just been placed on the festival is cause enough for suspicion."

Kai purses his lips and glares at me pointedly. I sigh and attempt to bite my tongue. He's right, I should steer clear of the sarcasm right now.

"And then you teleported in front of the faerie who had reportedly bullied you for years. Why?" He snaps at me.

"Because I love him." I don't even hesitate. Kai smiles proudly. He had talked often of the Romeo and Juliet style story winning over a lot of senate members. "He was mean, that's true. But it was an attempt to get me to stop loving him, as his father was very aggressive towards me."

"So a man beats you up frequently, his son verbally abuses you, and you expect me to believe that you still risk your life for the boy?" Cadman raises his eyebrows and I grit my teeth.

"If you've ever loved someone to such an extent that your contentedness is reliant on them being near you and being happy, then you'll understand. My life means nothing to me if it can save Jimin's."

I'm awarded a wave of 'aw's from a few female members of the senate and Kai beams at me.

The general huffs, clearly finding he is getting nowhere. "No more questions, Senator."

I'm let down from the stand and I shakily take my place next to Kai. "Was I okay?"

"That was perfect. Well done." He smiles at me proudly. "Let's just hope Jimin does his part..."

The Senator stands and there's a rumble of mutterings throughout the courtroom.

"Due to Park Jimin's recent trauma at Pharaway, he will be unable to attend today's proceedings. He has, however, been kind enough to provide us with a written statement." The man clears his throat and immediately my stomach drops. It's not Jimin. The wording is all wrong. From what I can make out, the handwriting isn't his. I start to panic, my throat clogging up with dread. Where is he? What's happened to him? "'At the Kalamani Festival, the demon, Min Yoongi, and I exchanged a kiss by the bonfire at the end of a song. This was the only romantic action we have ever exchanged with each other." Mutterings rumble around the audience and I gulp. "Min Yoongi and a fellow demon then cornered me in the woods. They talked about killing me, but Min Yoongi had the idea to appear hurt in order to lull the students and teacher's at Pharaway into a false sense of security, before then kidnapping me and killing another faerie, Kim Taehyung." I hear a cacophony of gasps and tears swell at my eyes. Kai grips onto the handles of his chair, attempting to remain calm. "Signed, Park Jimin."

General Cadman smirks, leaning back with his arms crossing over his chest. He doesn't even need to argue his point.

"In light of this new information, I have come to the conclusion that the Clanless' fight is with the Fay and not Kalamani. Therefore I am declaring that starting a war or an eradication of demons is no longer in our jurisdiction. We do, however, need to decide what happens to the guilty party who used a Kalamani event for their own personal and destructive gain." All eyes focus on me and I can feel the panic attack at the bottom of my throat, rising up.

"May I suggest the worst punishment of all, Senator? Sentence Min Yoongi to death in order to send the Clanless a message. Kalamani are not to be messed with." Cadman sneers at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"B-But I-" The Senator waves his hand to silence me.

"Senate, all those in agreement?" The Senator begins to count hands and Kai gets to his feet, chair scraping loudly.

"Wait!" All eyes turn to him and silence echoes around the room. "We have no proof that what is in Park Jimin's statement is true."

"He's from a True Clan!" The general growls.

"But in going through such trauma, he also would not have been in the right state of mind to remember details. Sentencing one boy to death because of a note another boy has written cannot be what Kalamani see as justice." Kai pleads.

"With all due respect, Peacekeeper, this is not in your jurisdiction." Cadman sneers at him.

"Nor in yours, General." Kai glowers and that shuts the man up immediately. "I beg of the senate to reconsider."

The Senator nods thoughtfully and looks down at me. I gulp, still shaking.

"The death of the faerie boy is nothing to do with us. There is also no proof of there being any connection between these events. Therefore, I propose a compromise. Five years jail time for disruption to the Festival and disrespect to the Kalamani. All those in favour?" The Senator counts hands and then smacks his gavel down.

I turn to Kai in panic but he just stands there, motionless. He's as much in shock as I am.

"Take him away. Council dismissed." The Senator leaves his chair and is escorted out of the room.

Hands clasp my arms and I try to throw them off, tears falling down my cheeks. "Get the fuck off me. Kai!"

"I-..." He looks at me helplessly. "I'll get you out, Yoongi. I know you didn't have anything to do with it!"

The men pull at my arms again I feel cold metal slide around my wrists. "Find Jimin." I glare at the Peacekeeper.

"What?" He frowns, confused.

"That wasn't Jimin's handwriting! Please, Kai. Please find him." With that my strength gives out and I'm yanked away from Kai as I watch him slump back onto his chair, hands pulling at his claret locks.

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