Chapter Fifteen - Pack Reunion

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Park Jimin

As I pull myself through the tiny window, I peer down the hallway, hoping Yoongi is almost here. I don't like the thought of being alone in this place for any longer than I have to be. I gulp thickly and chew on my bottom lip as I attempt to avoid the shards of broken glass. Where the hell is he? I gave him enough time. He should have made it to the top by now. I walk over to the stairs, peering over the bannister. He should be here.

I feel a presence behind me and immediately relax. "Hyu-"

Before I can get more than a word out, I'm being thrown against a wall, hands clasping around my wrists as two dark, bug-like eyes blink hungrily back at me. Vampire.

"What are you doing here, little thing?" She smirks. "Such a pretty little toy, lost his friends? Last I checked, they were all dying outside." Her laugh tinkles cruelly in my ears as she runs a hand up my chest and makes me shiver. "Don't worry, you can join them. I just want to play before I kill you. It's more fun that way."

"Play with this, you sick fuck." I kick hard at one of her knees and hear it make a satisfying crack, but she barely flinches. Instead, she sighs and tightens her grip on my wrists.

"Don't fight back. I'll just heal and neither of us will have as much fun." I watch her inch closer and closer until her teeth are at my jaw, scraping at the skin as if in an attempt to tease me. "Why not just accept it? You might even enjoy it..."

"I find that hard to believe." I grit my teeth, struggling so hard against her hold that I can feel bruises forming.

She smirks and a cold shiver runs through my veins. The vampire leans in and I feel two cold daggers pinching the skin of my neck.

"Get the fuck off my boyfriend."

I let out a breath of relief. Yoongi.

The vampire growls and bares her fangs, turning to face the demon but keeping one hand firmly pressing my wrists into the wall above my head. "He's yours, is he? He's very pretty..."

"I know he is. Still mine." Yoongi takes a step closer but the girl clamps her fingers hard and I can't help but let out a whimper.

"He's tasty, though." She licks her lips, traces of my fresh blood, glinting in the dim light of the small window.

Yoongi's fists are shaking. "One more chance to let him go or I won't hesitate."

She laughs. "Hesitate to what? While I have your precious faerie in my grip, I'm untouchable."

I let out a shaky breath. Yes, my wrists hurt like fuck, but this bitch isn't even looking at me anymore. Does she think I'm just going to stand here like some strung up pig?

I've been wriggling this entire time, so it doesn't seem suspicious when I continue to do so. But, she doesn't realise the reason has changed. With her paying me no mind, I slip off my shoe and clench my toes around the biggest shard of glass that I can reach. I wince as the jagged edge cuts through my skin. She's already bitten me, so shouldn't notice the smell of blood as it's already surrounding her.

I lick my lips nervously and look at Yoongi. All I can do is distract her. I'm praying that he has quick enough reflexes to react straight away. I might be imagining it, but I see the corner of his mouth twitch.

I take it as my go-sign and stab the broken glass just behind her ankle. The vampire hisses and turns back to me, spare hand now around my throat.

I can't breathe. I can't even see, she's pressing so tightly. I don't even register Yoongi attacking her, but I presume he does, what with her letting go of me. I gasp for air and clutch at my neck as soon as my hands are free, sinking to the ground.

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