Chapter Ten - Uffern

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Kim Taehyung

Fifteen Years Ago

A weight on my lap and suddenly I have to grow up. I have a life in my arms. A wet kiss is pressed onto my forehead and I am confused. I watch my mother's sad expression.

"It's the Clanless, isn't it? They're back. Because he's not in your tummy anymore."

My mother purses her lips and strokes my cheek.

"You're coming back, right?"

"Of course, sweetie. Just stay here, okay? And not a sound."

I nod and grin at my mother as she shuts the wardrobe door.

I hear her running downstairs. I hear shouting.

The toddler on my lap starts to cry and I shush him, cradling him into my chest. "It's okay. They're coming back."

"There's nothing up here!" My mother pulls on a faerie's arm.

"Shut it, demon slut."

The door is wrenched open. A hand pulls me out and I stumble into my mother's arms.

She pushes us behind her protectively. "You don't touch them." Her eyes go black and she glares.

"You can have the faerie boy, he's no use to us. It's your son we want." He sneers and I can't help but think it's not very aesthetically pleasing.

"Well, you're not touching either of them. Get out of Uffern."

"Not without the boy." The man cleans his bloody knife on his shirt sleeve. "Hand him over nicely and maybe I will let you and the older child keep your lives."

"Stop threatening my children and maybe I'll let you keep yours." She glares yet more, growling.

"Your children?" He laughs and it makes bile rise to my throat. "He is no son of yours." The man points at me. "He's a faerie. No demon whore could have a faerie son."

"He may as well be." My mother wraps an arm around me and pulls me into her side.

"Isn't that quaint. Now give me the boy." The man lunges and my mother pushes us all to the side, out of the way.

My father bursts into the room, covered in blood. "Beom, stop this. Please!"

The man rolls his eyes. "I'm under the queen's orders. Not that I'm complaining."

"You're my friend. We went to school together! Don't do this." My father begs, pulling at the man's sleeve.

"Then I grew up. I wouldn't be hurting anyone on this street if you'd just given me that monstrosity when I first asked you to." The man snatches himself away.

"Mon-.. You mean my son?." My father scowls.

"The abomination." The man glares at my brother and I pull him tighter into my arms.

"But he's just a baby. What do you want with him?" I frown, confused.

"I'm working as pest control, dear." He smirks.

My mother's hand collides with his cheek, tears streaming down her cheeks. The man sneers and in one movement, slides the shining metal through her neck. It's so quick, no one has time to move. My father rushes to her, tears streaming down his cheeks. I stare at the glassy eyes, never having seen a dead body before. My brother's hand tightens around my own and he screams. The man is pushed back, into the wall.

"Taehyung. Take your brother. Find someplace safe. You're strong, I believe in you." My father hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head as the man in the corner picks himself up. "Go. Now!" My father clicks his fingers and the window next to him smashes, glass slicing into his cheek.

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