Chapter Four - Min Yoongi: Preferance or Prejudice

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Kim Taehyung

"You'll be fine, dear. You met people at the bonfire, didn't you? Park someone?" My aunt ushers me out of the car and pushes a bag into my hands.


"Exactly! So.. Jim-In to the building!"

I lose all hope for my little cousins. They will grow to genuinely believe bad puns are humorous.


"No, no. Off you pop. Begin your journey!" She smiles, wiping away the fake tear that apparently finds it's way onto her cheek.

"I don't know if I can do this.." I purse my lips.

"You've done it before, Taehyung.." She sighs.

"Yeah, but the only time it's been remotely successful is when I had Brynn.." I mutter, knowing the response I'm about to get.

"Enough. If you continue to mention that insignificant human I will take your phone away. Is that clear? And if you even think of contacting her, I-"

"You'll tell the school to shorten my leave hours, I know.." I look away, trying hard to stop the genuine tears from escaping.

"I know you think it's hard, sweetie. But most people do it before now anyway! They take their children away from humans much younger. I wish we could have done the same for you but of course, we didn't know about your situation until a few years ago..."

At some point, I zone out. I don't care anymore. I've heard it all. Yes, I get that many people have that one friend that they never heard from again as if they randomly disappeared. But I'm not just one friend. I'm the friend. Brynn's only friend. And I'm just leaving her... I could have sworn she was a witch...

"So, off you go then. I have to get to work this afternoon so I'll leave you here now. See you for Christmas? Maybe? We'll see!"

With that my dear aunt slams her door shut, leaving me on the dirt-track, that appears to be the school's driveway, with more bags than I could carry if I had supernatural strength. Which, as a faerie, I do not.

"I have a hand.." A relatively short boy, maybe a little older than me, walks over cautiously. He carries only a shoulder bag of his own, but I presume this isn't his first year here.

"Do you mind?.. I'd say I can manage but... I can't." I chuckle slightly and he nods.

He shrugs and takes a suitcase from beside me. "What building are you?"

"Vinder..? Is that near you?" I smile hopefully, not wanting to ask him to go too far out of his way for me.

"I'm the same." He shrugs again and picks up one of the other bags. I scramble the others to my being before stumbling after him up the path.

"Cool! So how long have you been here?"

"Third year, now." He mumbles quietly.

"Wow... What's it like? As cool as I hear or is that just newbie excitement?" I chuckle, slightly conscious that he has yet to even smile.

"S'okay.. Not too bad if you keep to yourself, I guess..."

"Okay.." I frown slightly, having heard that Pharaway was an incredibly social school.

"But I'm a demon, so.." The boy grits his teeth, presumably expecting me to suddenly gasp and snatch my bags away from him or something.

"Yeah? Well, I miss my best friend and she's human so maybe I have low standards.." I smile jokingly and he turns, shock and a slightly hopeful smile tainting his otherwise negligent expression.

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