Chapter 85 Texas Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Now Maxy.. You will have a free two hours to do whatever you want to do," Anna smiled at him.

His stiff daunting face turned into a small smile. He is going to be quiet excited about his nappy time. He might even squeeze in a quick session at the gym to keep up his bodyguard figure.

My tired body walked to our door and unlocked it with the key card. There were two beds, so I threw my bags on one not caring which one I had. It just looked so comfy. All I want to do is rest my head against the pillow.

"Play a playlist," I told Anna as I walked into the bathroom. I started showering as I listened to music Anna's music.

The warm body relaxed my tensed muscles after non stop traveling just to get here. It felt good to wash all of the airplane ride off of my body and start fresh. The bad thing about a warm shower is it makes me want to relax and not move.

I leaned my body against the side of the shower letting the water beads hit my closed eyes. The muffled sound of Anna telling me to hurry up brought me out of my day dream.

I smiled as I heard some old 2000s music taking me back to when I was young. Those were the days. The days when I didn't feel overly tired and over worked. I know this is all because of music and the fans, but sometimes I need a break. My life feels like a constant race.

I put on a velvet black bodysuit and a pair of ripped high waisted skinny jeans. My hair remained wrapped in my towel above my head as I pulled out my phone.

Madisynespinosa: good morning Twitter.. Yes I haven't slept yet Lol

I looked into the bathroom mirror and leaned in as I studied my face. I had a couple small pimples near my hairline, the whites of my eyes were red from constantly rubbing them, and the Gucci bags remained under my eyes making them look sunken in.

"On a scale of 1-10 how tired are you?" Larri the cameraman asked.

"You are only limiting me to ten?" I laughed as I walked towards the main room.

Max walked into the hotel room holding all of our Postmates items. Behind him followed a Willow. She had bright neon pink hair with her black roots on the top. She seemed so stylish wearing a hipster outfit that matched with her makeup. It gave me a total grunge feeling and I loved it.

"Hi Willow!" I smiled standing up walking towards her.

"It's nice to meet you," she smiled giving me a hug. "I'm really excited to do your makeup. You will be my first big celebrity."

"Well I'm excited for you to cover up my bags," I laughed fluttering my eyelashes.

"Don't worry I can fix that."

"Go ahead and set up wherever you want. I'll just be chugging these drinks while you do."

She took her bags and rolling makeup bag towards the huge mirror. "Thank you Max," I smiled grabbing my food and drinks. "Go take a nap."

"Call me if you need me," he nodded before leaving the hotel room.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Willow's Instagram. I wanted to see her work. She had lots of photos and videos for me to watch for the next hour.

I was also enjoying the sausage McMuffin and hash browns I stocked up on. McDonald's breakfast can marry me any day.

"Okay I am ready for you. What are you wanting for your look?" She asked.

"I'm thinking orange eyeshadow and a pale pink lip," I smiled.

"Say no more, say no more." I sat down in the chair while drinking red bull through a straw, so I don't have to throw my head back.

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