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These past days has been restless. Taking care of twins aren't that easy especially when one of them is sick. Not to mention Chanyeol has been quite busy too with their comeback, i'm all alone in this.

Jihyun is finally asleep in my arms while Jaehyun is asleep beside me. Once they're asleep, i really can't move and do stuff around the house. I even called out my sister to help and clean up.

"I have to go out for a while today, will you be fine?"

"Yes go ahead, i'll be fine."

The reality speaks otherwise. Once Jihyun is awake, everything turns to chaos. They're still little and they are so attached with me whenever they're sick.

"It hurts i know." I kissed her trying my best to reduce her pain, how i wish i was the one feeling the sickness.

I heard the door click, it must be Chanyeol. I'm so glad he's home now.

"Chanyeol-ah." I manage to say without waking the kids again,

"I bought some food." He went in and and gave me a kiss,

"How's Jihyun?" He patted her back,

"She's getting better. Jaehyun though is a bit warm."

"We need to separate them then. I'll sleep with Jaehyun tonight. Will that be fine?"

"Fine with me, are you? Jaehyun is a bit cranky today. He hasn't left my side the whole day i was taking care of Jihyun."

"Yeah it's okay. Here let me take Jihyun while you eat. You need to stay healthy too."

Chanyeol took Jihyun in his arm while accompanying me in the dining table and eat, leaving Jaehyun in the room alone.

"How was your day?" I asked,

"It was fine but i couldn't stop thinking about the twins and you." He answered as he rubs Jihyun's back who was wriggling in his arms,

"Jihyun kept mentioning your name earlier."

 "Oh really? I tried going home two hours ago but then they held us for a while. I wished i was with you the whole, handling both of them at the same time is hard right? Sorry."

"It's my job anyways, you're doing yours too. It's not like you're just staying at home and not do anything."

"I'd like that tomorrow. Oh Jihyun-ah, annyeong." He said as Jihyun was awake,

"I'm going to get Jaehyun now, he'll freak out soon."

"Finish your meal first. I'll accompany him first."

He's the sweetest guy i have ever encountered. Even after going home from a long tiring day, he still puts me first before him. I rushed myself and found them already lying in the bed.

"Did you finish eating already?"

"I did, thank's to you. Go ahead and rest, i'll have to wake up Jaehyun for shower and then feed them both."

"Nah, i'm going to help you."

"I don't want you to get sick too." I said as i approached him,

"Fine then, i'll take a rest for a while. Wake me up later." He kissed me before sleeping next to the twins.

I did all the chores alone and gladly did it fast. It wasn't that tiring since i did it with love. The twins remind me so much of him when he's away for so long or too busy to be home at all times.

It's relieving though that they are still close with Chanyeol despite the schedules he had. The first thing i thought when we were pregnant, they wouldn't be close to him but now they are so attached with Chanyeol.

Even when Chanyeol leaves, Jihyun could cry for the whole night. Once he's home, i am a no one here. The twins would only want to be held and do others thing with Chanyeol.

"Jaehyun-ah ... come with eomma first. Appa needs rest." I said as i picked up Jaehyun away from where Chanyeol is sleeping.

At first it was all right but then he started crying loudly enough to wake Chanyeol up.

"They're cute." He picked both of them up and laid them beside him,

"Do we have to sleep separately tonight?"

"Yes we do or else both of them will be sick."

"I don't want to sleep alone without you." I pouted,

"Tsk. Since when you're this clingy?" He pulled me close,

"Beside Jihyun is better now. I mean i could sleep in between them both."

"All right then."

As the sun began to set, Chanyeol made the twins giggled all night long. The sounds of it was like melody in my ears. The sweetest and cutest sound i've ever heard.

Even Jihyun who's sick, she doesn't look like one. It's always like that when the source of happiness is with us. It was like whatever problem you have when you meet Chanyeol, it somehow dissapears.

"Kaja. Let's all sleep together." He picked them up and carefully laying them beside me.

I was getting sleepy since today had drained me out completely. He tucked me in after the children slept.

"Thank you for being such a great wife and mother." He kissed me,

"I love you."

It was sweet and it definitely made all the weary gone.

"I love you too."

[A/n] sorry if this one was shorter than the others, had troubles as usual -teehee- hope you enjoy it!


ET 🌹

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