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Phone was ringing so loud early in the morning, i was annoyed by it since it's my day off. I didn't want to pick it up but then i recognize it was from Chanyeol's ringtone.

"(Y/n)-ah ... i'm sick."

I hurried myself as soon as i heard he was sick. Panicking over everything, getting all the stuff i needed to bring. Got everything ready in just minutes and off i went to his apartment.

Why am i always like this? Being so panic over everything that involves him. It's probably this little thing called love. I've spent my time way too many for him. How could i stop making my heart fall for him?

His voice was hoarse, he must be really sick. I got myself in and prepared him the food he asked me to bring. I was shock seeing his house so clean, even if he wasn't sick it's usually messy.

"(Y/n)-ah ... is that you?" I heard him trying to shout,

"Ne ... i'm just preparing your breakfast."

He didn't seem to look that sick but he was so warm.

"Did you stay late last night?"

"Yeah working on some stuff. Thanks anyways for being here when i needed."

I'd do anything for you, dumb ass.

"I was surprised seeing it's so clean."

"Ahh ... yeah. You know that friend i told you ... she came by yesterday and cleaned it up."

Thought so.


"J-jealous? Pfft. No way." I fluttered.

I couldn't stay any longer, had no reason anyways. I didn't want to fall for him more.

"Well that means i still get my day off. I'll get going then."

"No, you can't. W-what about my lunch and dinner?" He sat up,

"I already bought them, you just need to heat it up later."

"Medicine. I need medicine right."

"Already prescribed them, will be delivered this afternoon."

"Um ... i-i think the house isn't that clean. I mean you're a better cleaner."

Oh Chanyeol, just say it.

"Um nope ... i think it's clean enough."

"H-how ... um ... oh my laundry."

"The basket was empty."

He stops for a moment, thinking very hard. It was cute witnessing him doing so.

"Okay then i'm going to go. Bye." I was about to go when he held my wrist,

"Oh damnit just stay. Stay here. I don't wanna be alone."

Why is it so hard to say that? We both know we clearly have thing for each other and we both know how our feelings are towards each other. If only he's this brave.

"Please." He stood up and back hugged me, making my heart thump so bad.

For a second i wanted to run away, not wanting to show him this pink cheeks i'm having. But for a second i wish the time would stop.

"All right." I turned around and told him to go back to sleep.

I didn't know what to instead of watching him fidgeting with his phone. Kinda being useless in here. The atmosphere since he hugged me gotten a lot more awkward then it usually were.

"Aren't you going to sleep now?"

"No, if i do then you'll go." I tried my best not to flutter about,

"I won't, i promise. Go and sleep now or you'll get worse and i'll have to take care of you more."

Less than a minute he was fast asleep. Perfect timing since i needed to go to the toilet real quick. I slowly put his hand away from mine, thinking it's succeeding.

"You promised you'd stay."

"Idiot. I need to go to the toilet."

"Oh sorry." He grinned.

I was hoping for him to be fully asleep by the time i got back into his room, he wasn't.

"I told you to sleep."

"I can't."

"Is there anything that could make you sleep?"


Chanyeol's POV

Hearing the sound of her heartbeat was the soothe's sound ever. I could feel her hands were awkward so i put one underneath my neck.

"What are we doing?" She exhaled,

"Ani. We both know it isn't."

"Chanyeol ..."


"We both know that it isn't right."

"I don't care. I love you and you love me. What's wrong with it?"

"I'm only an assistant."

"That's why i need you. I need your assistant for my future. I need you to take care of me, take care of our children."

"Stop it." I heard her smirk,

"So ... you wanna try?"


"It's okay i understand."

"I mean ... i guess it's not wrong to try."

"That's the spirit."


I was just lucky i had the chance to say it and she tried. If not we wouldn't be walking hand in hand right now in the middle of the night.

"I'm so glad everything is working out fine." She smiled,

"I told you it'll work. Now that everyone knows that we're getting married isn't it such a relieved?"

"Yeah it does. I feel like my heart having so much space to breathe."

"I love you." I stopped her as we were face to face,

"I love you too Chanyeol." I pecked her.

[A/n] i'm sorry if this sucks, i've been having so much trouble with ideas and managing my schedules. I keep saying i'll try my best but i feel like i'm not doing enough. I've been trying to write for my other book so juggling two books are new for me, please bare with me. Thank you for being so patience with me 💙


ET 🌹

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