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'real__pcy : 👶🍼🐾'

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'real__pcy : 👶🍼🐾'

Omo .. since when he had time to make it

Omg little yoda is here!!

Too cute!

(Y/n) is so lucky

Shit when did (y/n) got pregnant

The reactions we got from the world has been nice so far. It's just been tiring to take care our first child, especially not knowing what to do when B starts to cry.

I still remember the day B first got here, Chanyeol didn't know how to hold him so he stood there looking like a statue. His arms were stiff, too scared of hurting our little B.

"Just relax. If you're stiff, you'll hurt him too." I smiled as i helped him,

"Ahh ... you're so good at this babe." We both chuckled,

"I have a niece, so i know things all right."

That was a good start of our little family, a good memory to begin with.

He began to act much more mature as soon as B was here. Like automatically. The reason was too silly when i asked him earlier.

"I need to become manly, as an example for B." I laughed,

"I prefer my clingy yeol. I love that about you."

"Only when B is not with us."

"Omg Chanyeol, he's not even a month old."

Just like that made me changed my mind. I guess he's still the same kiddo i met few years ago.

"Jagi." I heard him, he must've just got home.

I usually welcome him as soon as he enters, but now is a different scenario. I would like to just shout that i'm here but that'll wake B up.

"Oh he's asleep." He whispered as he went in and gave me a peck,

"How's B going?"

"He's fine, way much better than the days before. How are you? How's work?" I put B down slowly before giving him a tight hug,

"I'm fine. Work's fine too."

"Why don't you go and take a shower whilei i make you dinner?"

"That'd be great." He kissed me again before going to the bathroom.

After dinner we were chilling out in our bedroom, looking over B who just fell asleep after drinking milk.

"He's too cute."

"I can't believe he's almost a month."

"I know right, i don't want him to grow up quickly."

He then took out his phone and asked if he could upload a picture later on when B turns a month old. I didn't looked bad so i agreed on it.

'real__pcy : B's first month 👶'

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'real__pcy : B's first month 👶'

Omg too cute and she is so pretty

Happy first month little B

Aww this is too soft

How could she look incredibly pretty after giving birth

Look at him! I think he looks like (y/n) more than Chanyeol

We both laughed upon seeing the reactions. Chanyeol seems upset when he saw a comment that said B looks more like me than he does. I literally laughed louder.

"They really do not know that he actually looks like me more than you do." He stated,

"You're just jealous aren't you." He sighs in defeat,

"They say a boy looks more like their eomma than his appa. Goes the other way for girls. I'm sure one day if we do have a girl, she'll look like you." Trying to cheer him up,

"Really? Well ... that one day could go tomorrow right?" Literally just said the wrong statement,

"Omg, we just got B and i'm not even physically in a good condition yet and here you are asking for B's dongsaeng." I glared,

"I was just joking. Don't get mad." He hugged me.

I woke up feeling way much better. Didn't feel like i needed more sleeps compared to the past days where every time i wake up, i still feel like i just slept for an hour.

I looked over to the bed to see both of my boys still deeply asleep. It was unsual to see this view. Chanyeol usually is already up, but here he is still deeply asleep next to B.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I kissed him,

"You seem to be so tired, so i didn't have the courage to wake you." He hugged my waist and slept again,

"Now who's tired." I chuckled.

We both spend the day as if it was a lazy sunday. Just laying down in bed while watching kdrama and re-runs of music bank. If only we could do this everyday.

"Let me carry him." He carried B as soon as he started to cry.

I feel so soft whenever Chanyeol is with B. They're just so cute together. Hard to believe that i just had a kiddo with a kiddo.

"Want me to make you lunch?"

"Nah. Just stay here." He said as he held my hand to stay.

We continued doing that until it was nearly dinner. Sleeping time was coming and B was already asleep. He was still mesmerized, not taking a chance to let his eyes rest.

"I love you both so much." I blurted out,

"I know you love B more." He pouted, this kiddo.

"Little bit, because if i love him i get to love a part of you too." I smiled,

"Look who's being the flirty one now."

[A/n] double edits for today haha so great to be able to attach those edits again lol okay i'm getting addicted with yeol and babies. Someone make me stop. Btw enjoy this one guys :)


ET 🌹

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