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Today is finally the day i've been waiting for since our little one was born. He could finally take a day off away from all the crowd just to accompany the both of us.

It was still early in the morning while i was already busy doing morning routines in the kitchen, preparing baby food and breakfast.

There's just so many things to be done now ever since J can eat food. It really is a struggle to handle both house chores and your baby all at the same time, especially doing it all alone.

Minutes later he came out still looking sleepy with our little J in his hands. He walked over to the sofa and laid him on his chest. Still looking blankly and not saying a word.

"What are you making?" He finally spoke,

"Umm some baby foods and i'm gonna make you an english breakfast."

"Is he normally this quiet when he wakes up?" Stroking J's hair,

"Completely the same like you, yes." I chuckled.

They're still just sitting there while staring the ceiling. It was so cute to watch this, especially when they are doing the same thing.

Chanyeol puts J down in his rocking bed. He then walks towards me and wanted to help when suddenly J began to cry.

"Wae?" He ran towards J and picked him up. Just like that, J stopped crying.

Probably he's been missing Chanyeol for awhile. He hasn't been at home for some time with all the tours, upcoming drama and tv series.

"You miss appa don't you?" I sat down next to him as i fed J,

"I miss him too."

He then told me how much he has regrets taking work. He often keeps looking at the videos i sent him when he's on break. He also said that the boys often watches with him and laugh when J is too cute.

"Serious though and i remember the first time they watched these videos. They were surprised seeing you without makeup." He laughed and i hit him,

"Ya! You laughed too didn't you?" I pouted,

"Well ... of course no." He smirked,

"Liar!" I hit him again as J laughed.

He laughed whenever i hit Chanyeol, probably Chanyeol's reaction was the one making him laugh. He would act as if he was hurt. The louder Chanyeol screamed, the louder J laughed.

"You're so cute." He picked J up and toss him in the air, which only made him laughed even louder.

I somehow though hears Chanyeol's laugh while J is laughing. I guess it's true, even if J looked like me the most he would still have Chanyeol's habit and personalities.

"Stop it, you're going to make him throw out the food his eating."

"Is he always this cute?"

"Always. I just wish you could stay more with us."

"I know." He kissed my forehead.

It was hard actually having to raise J like as if i was a single mother. He knows how much i suffer and i am still bless for having him. If i hadn't met him, J wouldn't be right here.

"Not all J's personalities are from me you know." He blurted out,

"How come?"

"He got's his eomma clingy side."

"Am not that clingy."

"I don't mind you being clingy. I like it, my little koala."

"And now you're treating me like J when you're much more a kiddo." I glared a him.

We were already back in bed cuddling with our J. He was still smiling and playing with Chanyeol as if he wants him to stay here with him at all times.

J's never been this happy so far. He's a completely different person when Chanyeol's at home. As much as J wants Chanyeol to stay, i wanted it much more.

Not long after that J is asleep in Chanyeol's chest. Hugging him like a koala acting as if not wanting to let go of Chanyeol.

"His making it harder every time i leave." He rubs J's back,

"I know." I smiled,

"Wanna go out after this?"

"It's snowing outside."

"I mean go out of the country. A holiday. Once i finish this all let's just get out of here and make more memories together." He squishes my hand.

The way he said those words just melts in my heart. Showing all efforts to make us whole. All efforts to show how much he really do love us.

"I'd like that." I leaned on him too,

"See what i mean?" He chuckled,

"Ya! Don't start."

"I love you so much, (y/n)-ah. I love you berry berry much." He atacked me with kisses,

"Love you too kiddo."

[A/n] i have no ideas about giving babies names anymore so i decided to use just the letter J lol i hope you guys enjoy this one, i've always like the idea of Chanyeol with babies teehee


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