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Waking up feeling my body aches. He was still cuddled beside me, still sleeping peacefully. I ruffled his hair, gosh he is so damn cute. I always can't stand this, literally killing me every morning. He looked up, still looking so blank.

"Hey there giant baby. Wake up." I chuckled, making him pout.

"Give me a few minutes. Could you rub my back?" I rub his back as he started to drift away again.

"Where do you wanna go today?" He asked only reminding me i only have today with him before going back to the states,

"Can we just stay at your house for the day?"

"That'd be better." He smiled, making my heart in ache.

I went out to his kitchen and make him breakfast, he probably hasn't been eating them for so long since i left. I was shocked when his cold fingers suddenly touch my belly.

"God, you scare me."

"You scared me earlier when you left me in my bed alone." He said as his head finds it way at the crook of my neck,

"I hope you like this one." As i fed him,

"I've always like your cooking. Your's always better than mine."

We didn't go anywhere, just staying together cuddling and watched few drama. He's been so clingy though, hugging me all the time making me harder to move.

He's always like this whenever the holiday ends. Knowing we wouldn't be able to get this hug for another long time. Making me want to just finish my studies faster. Long distance problems.

"What time's your flight tomorrow?"

"I took the last one."

"I hate it even if you take the last one."

"I promised this is the last before i get settled in here."

Late nights flight are the best, there aren't so many fans which is easier for Chanyeol to blend in. The last time i got the first flight, rumors of me pregnant was so huge. Gosh, we're nowhere near that yet.

A day had passed so fast, i couldn't sleep last night. I kept on watching him, this is better than looking at him through the phone. We were already on our way at the airport, holding hands not letting go of each other.

"Now who's the one pouting?" He chuckled,

"I only get to see you next year. That's a long time."

"Don't worry, only a year left. We'll get there soon."

I was already outside the gate, hugging him so tight before going in. I'll miss this giant baby so much. I'll miss him being clingy baby.

"Go, their starting to board." He leaned down to give a kiss,

"I'll miss you."

"Text me when you've arrived."

"Ne." I smiled and kissed him back,

"Love you."

"I love you too." We gave out our last hug before i got in. The more i do this often, the more this heart aches.

Having to study outside really gave out challenges. We've never been apart for so long and three years have passed doing this. It wasn't easy, first two years were so hard. Not a day missed without seeing him through the phone.

I sat down at the waiting room, the line was still so long. Once i got inside the plane i sat down. So sleepy, i decided to drift away.

"Excuse me, my seat is beside yours."

I opened up my eyes and about scream knowing him right in front of my eyes.

"Sush, what if an EXO-L are here?" He smiled as he sat next to me.

I studied him for a while, thinking whether if this is an effect of having to miss him so much.

"I'll only stay for a few days. Got a few work to do there." He smiled,

"What work?"

"The one we didn't get to finish a few months ago." He whispered, only making me blush. I hit him playfully.

"Aigo, your cheeks are burning red." He chuckled,

"Thank's to your pervert mind." I scoffed,

"You love it anyways when i do those work." He smirked.

I usually hate going back, but this time i'm loving it. He has only gone to my place once a few months ago. If only this distance ended so quick, we wouldn't be having to miss each other so much.

We arrived there peacefully. No cameras or fans waiting. Even if there were a few who recognized him, but everything was easy and under control.

"You tired yet?"

"No, not really."

He suddenly picks me up as he put our luggage down as soon as we got into my flat,

"Let's do it now, i've been holding back the whole ride."

"Omg! Ya, Park Chanyeol." Showering me with kisses.

[A/n] sorry for having no updates for quite some time, i got super busy and got no inspiration at all lol. I hope you like this one, haven't wrote one in a while. Enjoy!


ET 🌹

-forgive this author-

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