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Being with him isn't always nice, there are still bad times. I hate it when he's being chased by some fans after leaving the dorm without telling anyone.

Searching around the city, looking for him. He last called telling me he was stuck in some alley. Tried calling back but he won't answer.

It's funny though how i'd do anything for him and what do i get in return? Nothing, only more piled up works. Stupid love.

"Psst." I looked around over to see a guy hiding behind some boxes,

"Got what i asked?"

"Here." I gave him a hat and a mask,

"You gotta act nice this time, be natural. Think of our first date."

I wondered how he could say those words easily after telling me we weren't going to work out. But then i wondered why i still stood by his side.

"You kissed me the last time you asked me to do this. You think i'd liked it?"

"I won't this time. I promise."

He surely knows how to break stuff, especially a heart. Does he ever thought what i'm going through? How i felt for everything he does?

"Laugh." He whispered and it was like magic, i laughed.

It worked, the fans didn't notice we both got out.

"Where did you park?"

"Around the block, few more stores to past."

"There he is!"



We ran all the way till we found another alley. Luckily, they past us. I didn't feel good though.

"Let's go."

"Wait." I groaned,

"What happened? You okay?"

"My stomach hurts. I can't walk." I said in heavy breaths,

"We don't have time. Give me the keys." I gave him the keys as he picked me up and head towards the car.

The pain was so awful, never had this before. I was running out of breath and my body feels weak.

"I'm taking you to the hospital. Your lips are pale."

"Don't, i'm probably just too tired. Just take me home."

"Not while you're like this, what if something bad happens?"

"Who cares anyway."

"I do." He hit the steering wheel.

He does?

"Why do you always think i don't care about you? Just because we broke up? So what? I still care for you and i still need you."

It somehow calms me down. The word need was enough to make me calm.

"I'm still taking you. You're getting paler."

I kept thinking about what is going on. The pain was unusual, never felt it before and it's weird how i'm suddenly feeling so fed up wanting to throw up.

"We're nearly there, hang on okay?" He held my hand tight.

I've missed his touch, his bare skin on my skin. I've missed him so much that even by just holding hand, i was already in love with him again. No matter how hard i tried to move on, he was already tattooed in my heart.

He was still holding my hand while i was being examined. I never liked being in hospital but with him here everything seems normal.

"Please take a rest while waiting for the results to be out. And one more thing, when was the last time you had your period?"

"What? Um a month ago, i guess."

Weird. What does period has anything to do with the tests?

"You should go home, the guys are worried sick looking for you."

"Nah, they can wait. You don't have anyone here."

"Fine, do whatever you like."

I thought it'd be quick but half an hour had passed. This room started to get cold too and what a luck, blankets aren't provided. I started to shiver a little.

"You're cold?"

"N-no, i'm fine."

"Want me to turn up the heat?"

I couldn't. He can't stand being in a hot room, i know it's already hot turning it up will make it worse.

"Nah, i'm fine."

I turned the other way not wanting him to see my face. He knows if i'd lie or not. I was surprised when i felt his warmth.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'm sleepy and you're cold so i'm warming you up."

I couldn't fight anymore, i was already out of energy.

"The results say that you are twelve weeks in, congratulations. You may go home if you like, just need to stay in rest and don't get too tired."


Flashback started running through. The last few days before we broke up, we indeed made love. What will happen to us now? I looked at him, he was in a deep thought. I didn't know what to say, my mind was also in a mess.

"I'll take care of you if you let me in again."

"I'm still in love with you."

I was still speechless. My heart started to race as soon as we made eye contact.

"I understand if you can't but please keep the baby."

"Of course i would." I looked away,

"As dumb as you are, i'm still completely mad for you."

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I shouldn't have." He held my hand,

"I've forgiven you already. Now, can you take me home? I can't stand being in here, it makes me more sick."


We arrived home, he carried me still since i was still feeling weak. Tucking me in bed, please don't go.

"Want me to stay?" He sat at the edge,

"You really didn't have to ask." I pulled him down and hugged him,

"I won't be home tonight, i'm staying with her." He talked over the phone,

"Yeah, kinda. We're getting there."

"All right, tell the others too. Bye."

"Who was it?" I looked at him,


"Ah. I miss your hugs anyways."

"Is it really happening? Is a baby really growing inside you?" He poke my tummy,

"Well, doctors shouldn't lie."

"I love you." He kissed the top of my head,

"I love you too, idiot."

His scent is still making me go crazy. His love is still making me crazy.

[A/n] i really like this one and i think it's cute. Hope you like it too, enjoy!


ET 🌹

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