sneak into a movie, even though money ain't a thing babe - b.a

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it's your birthday and let's just say, you don't really like celebrating it. it's just an normal day for you really. it's lost it's magic.

until. you met brandon.

brandon has always been so so sweet to you, even before y'all started to date. you didn't think he could get any sweeter, until. y'all started dating.

your birthday comes around.

it's a friday. a normal friday.

you crashed at the boys' place last night due to the fact you had been drinking the night before. why? well. your parents both passed away in a car accident when you were 3. it's never been easy. the day of your birthday & the night before as just as hard.. and brandon insisted you stayed for the night.

you roll over and look to your left and see brandon looking at you

you rub your eyes "yes?"
brandon smiled softly as he kissed your forehead "happy birthday"
you shrug "eh. but thank you"

brandon smiled "babe. it's your birthday. we have to do somethin."
you shrug "i don't know about that"
brandon smiled "please. it's your 19th! last birthday before you're 20! before you're not a teen anymore"
you sighed "b. i can't okay?"

you get up and walk over to the bathroom

brandon put his shirt on as he walked over to the bathroom door "y/n.."
you sighed "i don't wanna talk about it okay."
brandon sighed "babe. i know your mom and dad passed away on your birthday when you were 3. i know it's hard. but please. they'd want you to celebrate"
you snap "brandon!! i said no okay."

you then grabbed your clothes and slammed the door before you had a shower.

you got out of the shower and brandon was still standing there.

"lunch?" brandon smiled as he randomly made a rose appear outta nowhere
you sighed "babe.."
brandon smiled "please. you need this. and we'll sneak into a movie, even though money ain't a thing babe."
you smiled "like old days"
brandon smiled "exactly! we'll sneak in like our first date. expect now we both actually have money to pay for one but come onnn"

you nod "okay. fine"

brandon smiled kissing you "that's my girl"

you smiled. as you walked downstairs.

the boys were at the bottom of the stairs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all screamed

you smiled "thank you"

zion looks at brandon "y'all have an eventual night hey?"
brandon smiled "no"
you shrug "guess you can call it that"
nick smiled "she was drinking last night z. not doin what ya think"
zion nods "well that's a little disappointing but i'm glad to see you smiling"

you smiled "thank you"

you then went to lunch & a movie with brandon. he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. like you. like you were special. and you never felt like that before.

brandon. he's a keeper.

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