club rescue?? - z.k

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you had been drinking at your local club since 8, it's now almost midnight. so a good 4 hours. needless to say, you were a mess!


there happened to be 5 of the sweetest boys there at the exact same time, who would of thought the impact one of them would have on you.

zion notices you getting mad when the bartender wouldn't give you anything else to drink other than water or even soda. so, he walks away from the boys & steps in.

zion smiled at the bartender "two coca-cola's please"
the bartender handed zion the drinks
you look at zion "ah no. i don't. i'm not. vodka only"
you said as you slurred your words

zion shakes his head "nope. no more alcohol. drink this. i'll be back in a second"

he walks over to brandon & nick who were just chilling when edwin & austin we're drinking also

{pretend 18 is the drinking age lmao}

you sighed as you drunk the cola. you didn't want to, but deep down you knew he was right.

brandon smiled "everything okay? she seemed a little off?"
zion nods "drinking since 8. can we take her back in the uber with us? even if we needa take two different rides? i just don't wanna leave her alone tonight"
brandon nods "yeah! go make us proud! i'll get the boys home, you focus on her! i'll paypal you $50 when i get home to cover her ride"

zion nods as he walks back over to you

he sits beside you "what brings you here anyways?"
you sighed "just bullshit."
zion looks at you "but drinking for 4 hours straight? can't you do something else instead?"
you sighed "no. plus the sleeping around kinda thing is fun"
zion shakes his head "you know that's not right"
you nod "yeah it is. it's fun"
zion sighed "nope. you're coming home with me. we gotta sober you up."

zion carries you to the uber and sits beside you

"you know you could of done literally anything & you wouldn't be feeling like this?" he looks at you
you sighed "i don't need a lecture right now okay? i'm gonna get a big enough one from dad in the morning"
zion looks at you "then why do it?"
you sighed "why? cause i have nothing else stable in my life! my dad is cheating on my mom and even though i'm old enough to make my own decisions, he refuses to have me anywhere near her so i'm living with dad and his god knows how many girls — since he brings a new one home every night. hence why i'm here drinking the night away instead of being at home"
zion looks at you "you could of opened with that"
you sighed "this is all new to me. normally it's a hi, few shots, and then back to his place. it's never talking"
zion smiled "then maybe you were just doing the wrong thing the whole time. maybe this is what's best for you"
you sighed "at this point? & with this amount of alcohol in me, nothing is right"

by the time he got you back to the house he laid you down on his bed and gave you a bucket just in case you needed to vomit and a hair tie from b & charlotte's room, so you could tie your hair back.

you look at zion "you hardly know me? why are you going out of your way just for me?"
zion smiled "because you seem like you have it hard. consider this not only time to recover from a hangover without a lecture but also a little get away."
you smiled "now that i desperately need!"
zion smiled "there's a smile! how does some chocolate & pizza sound? if you've got some food in ya, you'll feel even better"
you nod "sounds perfect"

you scroll through your phone. you see over 20+ texts from your dad. asking when & where you'd be home + who your fling is this time.

you sighed.

zion walks in and looks at you just blankly looking at your phone "your dad huh?"
you sighed "yup"

zion grabs your phone.
you look at zion "dude! what the hell!"
he opens up your conversation with your dad and texts him "i'm staying at a friend's place for the next few days. just need some space. will be home whenever" he then hands you back the phone

you read what zion said "you even made up a cover story for me?"
you smiled "maybe i have been around the wrong ones the whole time"

for the next week or so, you stayed with the guys, payed for some food, did laundry and cleaned up around the house so you felt like you somewhat pulled your weight. believe it or not, that night at the bar, might of been the best nights of your life.

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