and i hope that when mini you comes around - e.h

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you and edwin are pretty serious. you've been together for a good 5 years. i know. a long time. you see a future with him. kids, a big ass house, marriage. all of it.. but. you're pregnant. kinda sorta 3 months pregnant. and of course you found out just before edwin left for tour this summer. so. you decided not to tell him. you didn't want him worrying about you & a kid. when he gets home, you're holding a card over your stomach.

"and i hope that one day when mini you comes around, she has my weird curls and your beautiful smile" it was a line from his ten toes down challenge. you thought it would be a good way to tell him you were pregnant. with a girl.

edwin looks at the sign "y/n.."
you smiled "i'm pregnant ed" you take a step closer and hand him the test
the boys jaws DROPPED
edwin was literally speechless. stuttering like no tomorrow "wait. what. wait. you're? a girl? wait. i gotta. i needa. i have to sit down"
you let edwin walk inside and sit down and hand him the test and a photo of the scan.
edwin instantly started crying when he knew it was real
you wiped his tears and played with his hair
edwin smiled "a mini you"
you nod "with your weird curls!"
edwin giggles "hopefully!"
you smiled softly

austin smiled "well congrats bro!"
zion looks at you "is it his though?"
you nod and slightly roll your eyes "yes. i had a fertility test. 100% ed's. i found out literally just before he left for tour. but the last thing i wanted was to take him away from that"
edwin nods "i understand baby!"
brandon looks at edwin "edwin's gon be a dad! in all honesty i thought it would be zion first!"
zion punched brandon "b!"
brandon held his arm and giggled "what it's true!"
nick smiled "ignore the kids. congratulations ed! i'm sure a new born will be easier to handle than them 4!"
you nod "definitely!"

6 months later. you had your little girl. 4 weeks early. she was a beauty. exactly 6 pounds. perfect weight even though she was early.

you & edwin decided on the name miracle. it was cheesy but. she was y'all's little unexpected miracle.

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