you're like chocolate cake - e.h

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you & edwin have been together for awhile now. but since you're so hesitant on how the boys will react & how your brother will react; you've kept it a secret since day one.

you sighed looking at edwin "you're like chocolate cake, tastes good but is bad for me" 
edwin smirks "come on y/n. you can't deny that we have fun hanging out"
you smiled "i mean yeah i do... but i hate this whole secret thing."
edwin smiled "look. i love chocolate and i love you. i can't quit chocolate as much as i want to and i can't quit you either. i can't just leave you like you meant nothing"
you sighed "i didn't. i didn't mean it like that. just. idk."
edwin smiled "let's tell them"
you sighed "i don't wanna lose you but i don't. i can't tell them."
edwin looked at you and smiled "you trust me"
you nod "with everything i have"
edwin smiled "your brother loves the other guys, i'm sure he'll love me too"
you nod

then text your brother luke "come over in 20. pizza at the boys'"
edwin smiled " it'll be okay babe. let's tell the boys before luke gets here"

you and edwin walk down the stairs hand in hand

zion looks at brandon "I CALLED IT! pay up"
brandon rolled his eyes "why is it that when you're right it always costs me $20"
zion smiled "idk ask my $20" he smirked
austin smiled "cute !!!"
nick smiled "bout time!"

edwin smiled "well! seems as though they all approve of this?"
you smiled as you nod then sighed "now just luke..."

you sighed as edwin let's luke in.. you start to feel the anxiety make its way up your body

you itch your head " i have. i have something to tell you luke..."
luke looks at you confused "hm?"
you sighed looking at edwin "were ah. were together"
luke looks at the boys as they all nod. he then looks back at you "okay"
you look at him confused "wait hang on? okay? no going off at me?"
luke shakes his head "no nothing"
you smiled "i'll take that as a plus!"
edwin smiled "that went a lot better than expected"
luke smiled "i just want you happy"

brandon smiled "pizza to celebrate?"
you all nod and spend the afternoon eating pizza and taking. luke handled the relationship 10x better than you expected so you really had nothing to complain about!

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