eneimes to a hookup to a girlfriend?? - n.m

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over the summer you and nick had your fair share of mistakes. so much so it ended up with y'all in bed together. which, was the least of what you expected.

you had a boyfriend most of the summer, until he went away to australia and more or less ignored you. so you started hanging around edwin's mates more. edwin found you on instagram, via a singing video of yours on the explore page and y'all have been best friends ever since. so you decided to hang out the boys the rest of the summer.

you got along well with everyone. especially brandon. he was one of the boys that you connected with the most. so much so you couldn't even explain the connection. it was like y'all had known each other your whole life. quite odd tbh.

nick? well you kinda kept ya distance on that one. for some reason you both kinda clashed from day one. unlike you though. you normally get along with everyone & can kinda build a picture of what someone is like very quickly but nick? he was kinda a blank canvas... a mystery.

after a long friday you decided to spend the weekend with the boys. to get to know them a little more. you got along with everyone as expected. nick? nothin.

"nick. a word?" edwin looks at nick as you're all sitting around the fire pit
nick nods and follows edwin "what's up man?"
edwin looks at nick "are you even trying?! i know you fucked up earlier in the summer cheating on your girls so you stayed away from every girl but she's different! you have her wrong nick."
nick shrugs "i don't wanna hurt anyone. not like i hurt kylie."
edwin shrugs "maybe ignoring her is hurting her more."

edwin walked off and back over to you. you could tell something was up. you took a deep breath and went over to nick who hadn't moved.
"is everything okay with ed? he came back over from talking to you and he seemed really mad/upset?" you look at nick
nick shrugs "beats me."
you grab onto nick's arm "stop. whatever this weird thing is between us, we can't take it out on them. look at them."
nick nods "i know and i don't want to but we never got along from day one. my gut was telling me to keep my distance."
you nod "mine too.. i've made my fair share of mistakes this summer. i don't wanna make anymore"

before you could even wrap your head around the night, you were beside nick. in bed. you guessed it. naked.. don't. panic.

you look over and see nick sleeping and try to sneak out
"wouldn't pick you as that type hey?" nick wipes his eyes looking at you
you sighed "if any of the guys especially edwin catch us, were both dead. that ain't worth it."
you scurry to get dressed.. before nick pulls you back into bed.
"what if this wasn't a one time thing?" he smiled kissing you


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